Sunday, July 4, 2010


I'm sad~ I couldn't go to work on Thursday, because I was camping. I asked this guy names Dennis if he could take my shift. Originally, he said "No, I have a friend who's birthday is on Thursday." Later, he says "I guess I'll take that shift." This would seem like a legit reason to believe that he would be taking my shift. At 2:30pm, I bus to work just so I can check my schedule. While trotting to the staff room in the back, I bump into the schedule manager. She tells me that NOBODY took my shift. . . what the fuck. srsly, wtf. Either he didn't go, or the managers didn't know that he was taking my shift. Oh, well. It was my fault. I should have marked that day off earlier.

On a . . . more neutral note. I went to Richmond today . . . alone. LOL! I went to Yaohan to grab some boba, and then headed over to Aberdeen's food court. I sat there for an hour trying to draw something. It's not very impressive in terms of how much I drew 6___6;;

That's what I did at Aberdeen. I drew that in the food court after I saw some guy with cool hair >D I was such a rebel! Sat there for an ENTIRE hour with food I bought from out of the food court C: jks jks

I started to CG it, but it looks so UGLY T__________T I don't wanna do this!

This is another drawing I drew there. My first intentions of going out was to draw something like this. Originally, I was gonna leave because I was feeling so tired, but I decided to do this first. Her arms are kinda stubby, but I'll fix that later. At least I like her face :D UGH! it's so proportionate, but this is a challenge, because I usually draw people just STANDING there "orz.

Tis all!