Saturday, November 26, 2011

Video coming soon

I will be posting a video up on my channel soon.  I should probably link it >___>

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hey everybody. After many days of minimal sleeping, I've decided that it's about time to post something up. I don't have any photos which will correspond to what I have to say, but I'll make a video about my adventures . . . and by adventures, I mean time spent dicking around. Actually, I haven't really been doing very much work, and that includes homework. My grades are plummeting like lead in water. Mind you, I've been gradually making efforts to get back to my old habits of doing what is needed. Sadly, this means compromising my sleep hours. I remember being warned by Alva that I should immediately sleep after school, because then you wake up at odd hours. It interferes with getting work done. That is completely true. I've found myself making 4-5 hours naps when I arrive home. This causes me to wake up around 11pm, and then I stay up till 3-4am working on any assignments I decided to not do. Just looking back at what I've been doing, I think that it's not the healthiest way of working through school.

Goal: Complete homework before sleeping. 
I'll try my best to do work on time! I'LL BE A GOOD GIRL, SANTA MAH MAN!

Oh yeah! The title of this blog is about a choral festival. . . . errr. Just wait for an upcoming vlog! I don't want to type about. I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE typing :) I find that I hit backspace more that any other key.

Okay.  I need to get a vid done tomorrow, seeing as how I don't have school.  No promises, because THEY ARE SO EXPENSIVE. QQ  I HAVE TO GO RECORD DON'T STOP OANDGKLAHFGJAKLGKLAJG BELL RANG BYE BYE

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I have two projects due tomorrow, and I'm chatting away on MSN, and trying to learn German. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING. OKAY, LATES. THIS CHICK NEEDS TO GET HER SHIT TOGETHS.