Sunday, May 27, 2012

Children, gotta catch 'em all

 Ayo.  How goes your day.  I've been MIA from the internet for such a long time!  
I'm not even busy with school = = Anyhow, I had a pretty exhausting yet entertaining 
weekend which involved . . .  hunting for children OTL

The assignment that I was working on involved filming a trailer for Jurassic Park
My partner and I bothagreed that a nearby park would be
 an excellent location for shooting the "island" scenes.
Let me tell you - our generation is way too detached from enjoying the outdoors,
because it took the longest time to find children of the right age group (10-14)
Everybody at the park was either a parent, or a toddler.  The most reasonable assumption
would be that all of the preteens and teens are either at home on the computer,
gaming, or watching TV, or loitering at the mall ('cause let's face it, that's was we do best).

My partner and I finally managed to locate a bunch of children having
a picnic with their family, but we were apprehensive about
approaching them since they already seemed occupied.  After passing
their camp site 6 times, we finally asked the young boy if he could
do us a favour, and act in our mock trailer.

Boy: Sure!
Me: Yes, my prayers have been answered 
Boy: Let me ask my mom
Me: damn it.

In the end, everything worked out, and the kids we found
were very enthusiastic about helping us do the project . . . sadly,
I didn't bother doing a story board :)  Oh well, whatevs
I do what I want

Here's a picture of the word's biggest posing squirrel.
Sandy, get back in your dome.

Lates, time to go edit some shitty clips together :D

p.s. - why has there been an exponential increase in the amount
of troll comments I get on YT?  .____."""   Err...