Sunday, July 29, 2012


My summer has been a gradual decline in my level of luck.  Generally speaking, I consider myself to be a rather lucky girl; Shit usually sways in my favour to a certain degree.  However, everything in the last few weeks seems to be nothing short of devastatingly disappointing.

Gosh darn it, I don't even want to get started on listed the aggravating events that I have faced, because I know that it will just make me more upset = =

But at the same time, I think I'll want to remember this moment in my young life.

First off, I'm in summer school, and I'm doing VERY badly.  Currently conflicted as to whether or not it would be apropriate to drop out of the course.  On one hand, I buy myself a few extra days to have ample 'lax time during the summer.  On the other hand, I have to dish out an extra $30 which is the commitment fee the system charged.  Those $30 would be usefull, because I lost my cell phone the other day!  Thankfully, I have . . . had a mega ghetto Nokia 5230, and under no circumstances would anybody being keen on stealing such a hideous thing HAHAHA

A couple weeks ago, it was planned that three friends and myself would go out for a buffet since we hadn't been together in a long time.  Furthermore, I sense that there is some tension between one of my friends and I.  This could be entirely in my head, but I can sense it ""orz  (a mutual friend said that she experienced the same tension with them.  Is that confusing? )  The get together was supposed to be a convenient way to break the tension, but the backed out last minute like always.  Eh.  I just felt bad for the two friends who DID go, 'cause I was a sour puss for most of the day.  On several occasions, they tried to cheer my up by trying to find something to joke about.  In my head, the only thing I could think of was, "Fuck, I'm such a bitch T____T "

It felt like deja vu, because when the tension first happened last year, I gorged myself in food too.

And again, I was pretty serious about maximizing value while eating out...
Don't ever go all you can eat, or buffet with me.  I will
legit shove food down your throat HAHHAHAH

Okay.  There's more, but I'm gonna leave it here.  G'night homies.