Thursday, December 6, 2012

Grad Breakfast

Hallo, long time no talk.  I haven't been lugging my digi cam around with me recently, so I hope you don't mind my cell pics :)  Today, I ate breakfast together with the other students in my grade.  The only reason I attended was because the breakfast was schedules after an early morning assembly, and if I didn't go to the breakfast, I would have to kill some 30 minutes without food.  On the plus side, the Ikea styled meal was only $3 HYUK HYUK

Given the low cost, it tasted okay hehehe orz   The people who cooked the breakfast are AMAZING - I have never in my life eaten eggs that were so elastic in texture :D  I ended up passing up most of my eggs to my friend, and I'm sure she appreciated it seeing as how the kitchen ran out of food by the time she was in line.

My friend also forgot to bring a mug, but she was clever enough to find other methods
to get her share of food.

She used a juice box to hold her flaming hot beverage.  Can't blame her for looking crazy.  Nothing beats a good cup of hot cocoa.

And since hot chocolate is the best, I cleverly brought the largest mug in my cabinet *cheap*

By the end of the breakfast, I just wanted more stuff to drink, but the dispensers seemed to be empty.  FEAR NOT.  when there is a will, there is way :D

What have we learned today?
PK is super cheap!

have a good one

p.s.  Hopefully I'll see you guys soon in 
a video, but I can't promise you
anything - yenno I'm bad with 
those stinkin' promises.