Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pi Day Considerations

My school is holding a math event for Pi Day.  A handful of lucky students will have the opportunity to hurl a yummy pie at a math teacher's face >)

There are 3 ways to be "lucky"

1)  The math department is collecting donations, and the highest donor will be entered into a pie eating contest (yumyumz).  The winner may yield the all mighty pie.

2) Got a crazy good memory?  Recite as many digits of Pi possible.

3) Pastry chefs, suit up, because a pie contest is also being held to determine a winner.

I kind of feel like memorizing the digits LOL.  As a kid, I didn't have internet, so I used to go to the library every day to get myself a piece of the world wide web.  Sadly, each patron is limited to 60 minutes per day.  In order to maximize the amount of time I could spend on the computers, I would memorize the pins on the library cards of friends and family.  Methods of obtaining said pins involved asking kindly, and secretly copying down digits when my friends went to the washroom.

List of pins I used to use:
My own

LULZ  Hacks on, brotha.

The librarian eventually caught on, and banned my sad little 10 year old butt from the computers = =

Good times.

While we're talking about technology, HOW DO I GET MYSELF A PIECE OF VIDEO EDITING ACTION AT SCHOOL?  I see promo vids for school events, and I think to myself "I would of done that differently."

Not better .. - Ok.  Maybe better - but that's my completely subjective, not-meant-to-be-offensive opinion.  Am I trying to save my "A" double snakes from a hoard of butt hurt Warriors?  You betcha!

I could be the salt and pepper to the promo team!  If I was responsible for videos rather than web design, I might still be part of the school store.  ALAS, reality plays a different tune.

Anyhow, wish me luck for the recitation!

I'll keep you posted about the results when SPRING BREAK STARTS :D