Friday, June 14, 2013

Make Some Drama Before You Leave

Boy am I mad!  Here's the deal, my friends had a video assignment for law class that they weren't very excited about doing, because creative intuition does not rank high in their skill set.  I offered to help film and edit their project (at the price of a few free meals OUO;; ).

PROJECT: Explain why the voting age shouldn't be lowered.  Interview teens at mall about political issues to justify. 

Part of the assignment was to post the video on YouTube, and share it with as many people as possible.  After editing and uploading, my friends posted it on various Facebook pages.  To my surprise, one of the interviewees found the video, and was very upset with how she was portrayed.

Here's the deal, kids.  The majority of teenagers that my friends and I spoke with at the mall that day were very clueless about current events, and answered most of our questions with nonsense.  Yenno what?  Had I tried answering the interview questions myself, I would probably sound pretty ignorant, because I fully admit that I know zilch about politics and current events!

Back to the interviewee situation.  The girl, let's call her Lucy, wanted the video taken down, because she feared that it might hinder her chances of getting into uni . . .  Child~ unless you're going into political sciences, I can almost guarantee that your lack of knowledge in politics will do you no harm.  It really bugged me how she still wouldn't accept having the video up even if we covered her eyes.  Lucy contacted my friend through Facebook to express her discontent, so naturally, my friend went to the her Facebook page to figure out which person it was.  While browsing, my friend found that Lucy had a note posted titled "LA COCK".  Lucy claimed it was a "poem".  To me, it just looked like a list of inappropriate sexual innuendos!

This was all I could imagine while reading her Facebook PM

Lucy: HOLY. What part of me telling you I DON'T WANT MY IMAGE TO BE PART OF THE VIDEO don't you understand?! First of all, you did not blur my face out, you covered my eyes. A lot of me is still showing which I AM NOT OKAY WITH. Secondly you said you PRIVATIZED it. WHY AM I STILL ABLE TO SEE THE VIDEO WITH ME IN IT. Seriously, if you want to still use the video, cut out my parts! I AM NOT GIVING YOU ANY RIGHT TO HAVE MY IMAGE IN THAT VIDEO. NONE OF ME IS ALLOWED TO BE IN YOUR VIDEO. This will be the last time I'm telling you to give me my personal privacy. If you continue to still disrespect my rights, I will bring this attention to my parents and the police as you have violated my rights.
P.S. You mentioned somewhere this project is for law? Have you not learned anything in your class?! Have you not learned about rights and privacy?! Video taping someone and uploading it into the internet WITHOUT THE PERSON'S CONSENT IS BREAKING THE LAW.

(Let me just say, Lucy dear, that your netiquette is ratchet.)

My friend: Speaking student to student, you have a note that says "LA COCK...". If you are worried about your digital footprint, I'd advise you delete that.

 In the end, we took down the video to maintain integrity.  Indeed, we did not have consent :p
Such a shame.  I'll re-upload the video without her part, given that she probably only had 14 seconds of screen time.  She is defs an acceptable loss.

I don't think that I revealed Lucy's ID in this post . . . :<

-the faux gangsta PK