Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wengie's singing is ... bad

Sometime last year, I subscribed to a YouTuber, Wengie.  She's got a cute Barbie doll face, and equally adorably edited videos.  Wengie has multiple channels, on one of which she posts videos regarding fashion, beauty, health, and food.  What I didn't know was that she also posted song covers.  I had time to kill, so I decided to check them out.

... so that happened.  Apart from the fact that it has a weird auto tuned sound, it is overall weak and breathy. 

Verdict: Bad  :(

Sorry, Wengie!  Like your vids, just not your singing.


P.S. guys, let's stop dick riding, and just call things as they are.  Mkay?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rowdy in the Liberry (Library)

Handed in my English proposal essay today :(  I kind of ended up bullshitting the whole the entire thing (as per usual).   Class ended early since the prof didn't have anything else prepared for lecture today.  I went to the library with my classmate, Tommy, and sat in a booth until he left.  Not long later, a bunch of guys from high school walked by an joined me.  

It seems that students from my HS habitually congregate in this section of the campus library.  Every time I visit the second floor of the library, I can always spot, on minimum, one familiar face.

I have a few new people through this group.  Today, I was acquainted with Thomas today.  He kind of remind me of my coworker, Jack.  Anyways, he had a box of almond chocolates in his backpack, and he kindly offered me one.

Kind gesture, but my diet bet started yesterday.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, there is website called  It's pretty cool.  Basically, everybody who is interested in losing weight can pool their money into a pot.  Those who don't reach the tEverybody who can lose 4% of their body weight over the course of a moth, will be able to split the remaining.

*Snapsnapsnapsnapsnapsnapsalkndflkasddkljglkasjdsnap* -Thomas duh treeehnnnn

"yoloswag420 blazeit " - Dongxi 2.0

"|HI im tate
im on her vllog
we are in the library today
she is giving me advice bout girls
amy is cool
we are freidns" -Tate

oh snap, librarian told us to shut up :( Sad lyfe.

There is this really fun camera app called LINE Camera.  I recently found out that there is
a function called "beauty".  I don't know if it was newly added, but I only took the time to
find out what its function was a few weeks ago.  Turns out I can PHOTOSHOP on the go.
Bigger eyes, smaller jaw line, brighter skin - witch craft!
I got bored and decided to demostrate the amazingness of the application
on my reacquainted friends.

Before and after

Okay, it doesn't look any better.  But I didn't do the editing in my defense.
It was ALL Tate, mkay?

Anyhow, it's Wednesday, which means that I have a flipping 5hr gap to kill.  No matter!  I least it gives me time to blog ^^

I want to try and film vlogs weekly, but between school and work, I'm finding it difficult to both film and edit.  If only my laptop wasn't so shitty!  I have so many gaps between classes, I could probably get 2 videos done weekly.  Alas, NO MONEY LA!  CANNOT BUY NICER LAPTOP

However, I did get a new case for my phone <3 br="">

Super late post LLOLOL