Friday, April 18, 2014

Fast Food Problems - Kahara Thursdays Ep.1

This time, I rant about a certain problem I have with working at a fast food chain:  
Extra sauce

Generally speaking, work itself isn't that bad. It's the customers with emotionally low EQ that put my day in the shitter.  Like I mentioned in the video, my boss has instructed us burger servers to charge customer who request for extra sauce.  Sometimes I get so much shit for just doing my job.

BOSS: Make sure we're enforcing the new policy.  
$0.10 for extra sauce.

ME: "Yeah, man. I can do this, no problem."

Little did I know, the people would not take kindly to the new policy.
They would not take kindly to it at all :(

I usually work in the drive-thru
Let me give you a brief run down on how our particular drive thru is set up

As seem in my beautiful diagram, it is clear drive your fat ass through the various station to get your grub.

During the course of any given shift, at least one person asks for extra sauce at the second window.

 When I tell people it'll be $0.10 for the sauce, they get all ...

In my head: "You're excused"

"Yeah, I just like asking people for $0.10 on the occasion"

I hear this one a lot, and I believe them. But that isn't gonna stop me from charging guests on the pin pad. We've got pin pads covering every inch of this joint!  
Only got card?  Oh, I'll let you use card!

The customers are all...

Of course, before they leave, they ask for my name, because they're going to "report me to the head office". I'm soooooo sorry I'm doing my fucking job. You just paid $10 to get fat, what's another ten fucking cents to get even more fat?

Get this, a lady told me this today:
"Are you serious?  We live in such a rich country, and you're charging for sauce?"

My goodness, lady. Do you hear yourself? If we live in such a wealthy nation, I'm sure you can afford to pass off a few dimes on the dollar to get sauce. If you think about it, you're paying to get another product. When you go to the supermarket and buy dry pasta, it doesn't come with a free can of pasta sauce.

Maybe I'm being biased, because I work for the company, but to all the customers out there, please stop taking your rage out on the middle man.

It's dumb, and changes nothing (except for the degree of joy in a minimum wage employee's day)