Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Self righteous

Happy Valentines Day

I'm going to super ramble in today's entry, so feel free to carry and watch my new video.  It's probably more entertaining that read some angry, pissy blog.

I've been having a shit week.  First off, I was terrible at work earlier this week.  Not to imply that I'm usually outstanding at serving burgers, but I just felt super out of it.  For whatever odd reason, I just couldn't hear to anything, or act quickly enough.   On Sunday night, I was forced to stay up until 3am to work on a marketing assignment, and it was not exciting.  Compared to one of my team remembers, Winnie, I actually got a decent amount of sleep that night; Winnie didn't sleep at all.  To top it all off, my family has rented our basement out the the craziest bitch tenant ever. 

Here's the deal, when we were talking to the tenant (let's call her Jill) prior to renting the place out to her, my mom asked me to ask for Jill's occupation.  This was clearly bad on my part, but I didn't feel comfortable asking her, and in retrospect, I sorta wish I did.  However, I don't think that knowing that she isn't employed would make a significant shift on my mom's decisions of renting the place out to Jill.  She was willing to pay a premium price in comparison to the frugal budget of most Chinese folks, and that was probably something that my mom was keen on.  Anyhow, Jill is a mother ass.  She sings super late at night (any time after 11pm is later for me), and the biggest problem is the volume of it.  Not only that, but she always has guests over, and that's not something that the landlord can control, but it surely isn't favourable that she has people coming in and out all of the time . . . namely due to the fact Jill's friends are just as loud and obnoxious as herself.  There was one night in particular, on the 10th, where she probably held some type of party/get together.  The fucking crazy woman was singing scales at 12am = =  what the fuck, wtf aghkjakgjhkjafhk.  Have I mentioned her laugh?  It's one of the most vile sounds my ears have ever been subjected to!  It's not far off from the sound of hyena's laughing, except Jill's laugh is super shrill.

At least hyenas look CUTE.  Jill is not cute, she is a fat ugly chola lady = n =

I'm done being pissed, gdaaaaaaaaay

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hey, er'body.
It's currently 3:35am, and I feel like a pile of flaming cow turds.
Normally, I would immediately go to bed after a long day of dicking around,
but then I was reminded I had to work on this marketing assignment QQ
In a group of four, my group stayed up working on a write up of a marketing proposal
for Gap Inc.  Holy moly fdkjahdkgjahkdjfghajfhgjafdhgjkahfdgh
I feel so brain dead right now.  I hope I remember what I have to do for tomorrow.

I have a number of things that I need to set up time lines for, because I know for a 
fact that I have let myself slip away into some old bad habits.

It's almost Vday, and I feel like I should post a video up for the occasion LOLOLOL
I'm not going to tell you what my vid is going to be about, but it involves suffering.
3 assholes unsubbed my channel = = I know what you guys are doing, jks.
I'm not hurt . . . not that much ):

Tina's Birthday

Today was my friends birthday, and we spent it over at her house
eating bun thang (some viet noodle dish), and watching Insidious, which I must say,
is less exciting the second time.

I feel so guilty for not having any pictures for you guys T_____________________________T
I'll post when I have pics.