Monday, February 13, 2012

Hey, er'body.
It's currently 3:35am, and I feel like a pile of flaming cow turds.
Normally, I would immediately go to bed after a long day of dicking around,
but then I was reminded I had to work on this marketing assignment QQ
In a group of four, my group stayed up working on a write up of a marketing proposal
for Gap Inc.  Holy moly fdkjahdkgjahkdjfghajfhgjafdhgjkahfdgh
I feel so brain dead right now.  I hope I remember what I have to do for tomorrow.

I have a number of things that I need to set up time lines for, because I know for a 
fact that I have let myself slip away into some old bad habits.

It's almost Vday, and I feel like I should post a video up for the occasion LOLOLOL
I'm not going to tell you what my vid is going to be about, but it involves suffering.
3 assholes unsubbed my channel = = I know what you guys are doing, jks.
I'm not hurt . . . not that much ):

Tina's Birthday

Today was my friends birthday, and we spent it over at her house
eating bun thang (some viet noodle dish), and watching Insidious, which I must say,
is less exciting the second time.

I feel so guilty for not having any pictures for you guys T_____________________________T
I'll post when I have pics.


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