Friday, January 20, 2012

Bored at school

Invading my privacy, Sir.

Once again, in web design class, and my teacher has not yet assigned the next portion of the project.  I've already finished the last portion assigned, albeit poorly done.  Anyhow, it's been irritating me for a while.  I've discovered that there's this software installed on the computer so teachers can monitor computer activity of all the students.  I understand that it's a safety measure to ensure that students are acting responsibly on the computers, but I can't help but feel that my privacy is being invaded.  I can't help but feel as though everything I'm doing is being watched over - kinda like having mom looking over my shoulder whenever I'm on the computer. 

Mom, go away :(

Speaking of my mother, she always interrogates me regarding people on Facebook.  I'll be looking at some random video posted in my feeds, and my mom will come over, point at a picture in the news feeds, and ask me "Which one is you?"  UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STOP BEING SO NOSY, AND THAT PICTURE ISN'T OF ME; THAT'S A PICTURE OF SOME RANDOM PERSON I HAPPEN TO BE ACQUAINTED WITH = =  I cannot describe the rage I feel when my mom monitors what I do on the computer.  It's not like it's anything inappropriate, but she has as many questions as a 3 year old.  "What's that?" "You should be doing your homework!" "Don't buy that." 

Shiet, just leave me be, woman!

I need to stop raging OTL  but I must say, the woman can drive me up the wall!

Money go bye bye

Let's talk about how I'm down $700 Q A Q;;  Before you come to the conclusion that I've been scammed, or I've somehow lost my money, that isn't the case; I spent it.  Yesterday, I bought myself a new camera, and ... well, I don't really know how to use it yet, but I'm getting the hang of it.  Hopefully, I'll able to take more pictures for my blog again, because it's clear that I haven't been taking too many photos it the recent months.  And looking at my stats, it's pretty darn obvious that I haven't been posting very much either.

I'm don't want to go into detail about what type of camera I bought, but I can guarantee that you will all call me a hypocrite ;;9 A 9)
Hint: it has a tilty swively screen HAHAHA Anybody else watch DRTV?  Love their vids.


There is another issue that has been irritating me, but saying anything would make me looking like a pretentious prick :/ 

Life lessons by PK: you should never blog about people acquainted with in real life with negative connotations. 

With that belief in place, I really can't say anything .................  however, if those watch dogs are still out, the people in question are not from school.  Just to get it out of my system, I would like to say the following: I'm not buying what you're selling, and I would really appreciate it if you brought your business elsewhere.  Mucho appreciado.

Did you read everything that I typed out today?  Good job, a pat on the shoulder for you! 

I'm really bored.  Can  you tell?   I'm really just typing out nonsense now.


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