Sunday, January 1, 2012


Hiya, how goes the night?
So sad, man!  Half a year has passes, and I still don't have my L LOLOLOLOL
I feel like all of my friends already have their's, and I haven't done shit.  I should probably just
get it done with, because we all need another hazard on the roads >D
Winter break is almost over, and I haven't updated my YT or my Blogger ;_____;
And what have I been doing over the past two weeks?

 I've been goofing around with my "pet dog".  Can you see her crazy hair?  It's tangled and messy,
I just don't get how she sleeps.  >A<;;
She goes "Ya ya ya ya ya ya" really often, and it kinda sounds like a
Vietnamese woman talking PFFFFFFT

I went to this shoe sale in down town, but I didn't really find any SUPER cheap shoes.
That shoe up there looked both ugly and interesting at the same time . . .
Looked kinda rad, but I've decided that I never want to dish out more than
$50 bucks for a pair of shoes
These shoes or so craaaaazy.  I would probably never wear these, but I thought
they looked pretty rad, so I took a picture >D
I actually spotted one pair of shoes that I liked, and it was a pair of deep royal purple
suede wedges ;________:  They looked so nice, but I think they were defective or something.
because I didn't end up buying them in the end.

I went to the mall the other day with Sally, since we haven't hung out since summer time.
We raided the sale section at Shoppers Drugmart, and we saw the Kinder Surprises >D
I haven't had one in a long ass time, so I was excited to have one again.
I chew through it for the toy, and you know what I freakin' got?

A paper fish = =  I want my money back. 
It was such a crap toy, I just left it in the mall LOL  Luckily, I only bought one,
My buddy Sally on the other hand managed to buy four HAAHHAAHHAHA SO SAD!
She seemed really tired that day though ):  She slept so late (probably around 5am).
Sally seemed to have a lot more to share about her life than I did LOL!  Her life seems so drama
filled.  Mind you, I think she could do without some of it.  There's this girl at
school who ticks her off a lot, who I think she should just cut ties with.
If I rememeber correctly, she broke up with her new boyfriend in the past month 10 times.
I hope that is an exaggeration on her part, because 10 times is a LOT.  Apparently everytime
she tries to breakup with the boy, he starts crying = =
Yenno what's the funny part.  A few years back, she was telling me
how creepy this guy was.  I guess we all have a change of heart, eh?
I had some stuff that I wanted to get off my chest too, but I didn't want to go
to in depth.  Maybe I should call kids help phone or something.
(FYI,my parents are NOT abusing me >D )
I gave her a very general depiction of how I felt.
"Don't you hate it when the guy you like is always
saying how he finds some other girl attractive."
"Oh my gosh, yeah!  What's worse is when that girl is your friend
Do you want to talk to me about it."
I thought about it the next day, and began to cry just before falling asleep.
If it was anybody else, I wouldn't cry about it, but they're my friend.
I need to find strangers that I will never meet again so I can vent so hard.
The following day, I raided Ash's house, and played Smash Bros, and Mario Cart (which, by the way, I both suck at).  Serena came too, but she only stayed for 45 minutes = =
Thing just never go according to plan.  I'm betting my money in hopes that Serena never ever ever never forever never ever reads my blog.

Original Plan
Alright, from Ash and my understanding, Serena likes this guy she
met during the Summer, and he likes her too. I have no idea how much truth there is in that
statement, but let's go with it for the sake of this story.  Ash had secretly invited that guy to

What Actually Happened
Serena could only stay for 45 minutes because she was scheduled for work that day.  OF ALL DAYS,
Anyhow, he found out, and decided not to come because it would be "awkward"
seeing as how he only feels close with Serena.  MISSION FAILED

Nothing we could do about that!  After Sern left, Ash and I watched Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo.
It was pretty, and I liked the soundtrack, but I felt that it was
very inconclusive.  I suggest you watch it if you are looking for some eye candy!


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