Wednesday, August 22, 2012


For the longest time, I have considered getting cosmetic surgery, and before you say anything, DO NOT ASSUME THAT I AM POSTING THIS TO FISH FOR COMPLEMENTS.  I'd like to thank anybody who may have considered saying "Oh, but you look fine just the way you are!" [insert Bruno Mars song here], but please refrain from doing so.  Remember - I DO WHAT I WANT!!  I'm just here to jabber, and it's not as if I'm getting anything done soon . . . at least not too soon.

Back to my little talk.  There are a number of things about my appearance that I don't particularly find appealing, and perhaps as a result of media influences, I have often thought about which types of cosmetic procedures that would be favourable.  Without a doubt, plastic surg, like any other type of surgery isn't cheap, and coming from a super average middle class family, getting work done on my face is simply out of the budget.  Even so, I find if impossible at times not too think about the "flaws" all over my face. Some of which I have listed above. I though about getting a jaw reduction, because I don't find my jawline to be super sexy, but them I saw all of the bone slicin', and that freaked me out, and I don't think I ever want my skull to be hacked up. No no no. Too freaky. I'd like to get a rhinoplasty though, although

a) too cheap to pay for expensive stuff
b) I will be ridiculed among my peers  = =

There's often a lot of stigma attached to the idea of plastic surgery in North America, and that can make anybody apprehensive about getting a procedure done.  People will stick up their noses at those whose bodies have been artificially modified, perhaps under the impression that these are walking lies.  There is such a large spectrum of things to be judgmental of O: (c'mon, I should know)  Oddly enough, surgery is so much more accepted in reserved cultures within Asia.  I've even though about travelling there just to get stuff done - BUT I DON'T HAVE MONIES. QAQ

Would I get stuff done if I had butt loads of money?

Do I have butt loads of money?

Will I ever have butt loads of money?
Maybe GOLD DIGGIN' jks

the rent is too damn high.

I have to go fix coding errors.  While I'm gone, please feel free to continue judging me to be a superficial, insecure, and unattractive teenager who doesn't know what the hell she is talking about.  Appreciated.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Things come to an end

As August nears its closing, I have been flustered with the responsibility of complete the school store website.  Of course, I have the option of totally half assing it, but it would probably be in my favour to create something that looks . . . presentable ^^;;  Truth be told, I've already forgotten most of the stuff that I've learned during the school year.  I also filmed a video earlier this month, and I'll try to push that out before the end of this month.

ANYWAYS, the reason that I've decided to bring my lazy arse to finally submit some type of entry is just to get some steam off.  I typed up a whole bunch of stuff... but then I wondered if it would be too obvious for people to understand for my own comfort -A-  To summarize, I just wanted to say that it was probably the longevity of my one sided emotions that made the whole shebang seem to feel so painful.  But it was ultimately one sided, so it shouldn't make sense to feel this bad.

I hope that didn't make sense :)

On another note, apparently I look like I could be a pot head to my fellow coworkers.  If you ever get to know me in person, you may notice that I seem to be somewhat of a nutcase, but I can promise you that I don't do drugs (besides the good ol' Reactant).  My friends are often curious as to what I would be like if I were under the influence or intoxicated... alas, I don't do anything crazy like that.  This girl is crazy in other ways HAHAHAH

ok, tis all.  Hope you all tingling good time for the rest of your summer.