Wednesday, August 22, 2012


For the longest time, I have considered getting cosmetic surgery, and before you say anything, DO NOT ASSUME THAT I AM POSTING THIS TO FISH FOR COMPLEMENTS.  I'd like to thank anybody who may have considered saying "Oh, but you look fine just the way you are!" [insert Bruno Mars song here], but please refrain from doing so.  Remember - I DO WHAT I WANT!!  I'm just here to jabber, and it's not as if I'm getting anything done soon . . . at least not too soon.

Back to my little talk.  There are a number of things about my appearance that I don't particularly find appealing, and perhaps as a result of media influences, I have often thought about which types of cosmetic procedures that would be favourable.  Without a doubt, plastic surg, like any other type of surgery isn't cheap, and coming from a super average middle class family, getting work done on my face is simply out of the budget.  Even so, I find if impossible at times not too think about the "flaws" all over my face. Some of which I have listed above. I though about getting a jaw reduction, because I don't find my jawline to be super sexy, but them I saw all of the bone slicin', and that freaked me out, and I don't think I ever want my skull to be hacked up. No no no. Too freaky. I'd like to get a rhinoplasty though, although

a) too cheap to pay for expensive stuff
b) I will be ridiculed among my peers  = =

There's often a lot of stigma attached to the idea of plastic surgery in North America, and that can make anybody apprehensive about getting a procedure done.  People will stick up their noses at those whose bodies have been artificially modified, perhaps under the impression that these are walking lies.  There is such a large spectrum of things to be judgmental of O: (c'mon, I should know)  Oddly enough, surgery is so much more accepted in reserved cultures within Asia.  I've even though about travelling there just to get stuff done - BUT I DON'T HAVE MONIES. QAQ

Would I get stuff done if I had butt loads of money?

Do I have butt loads of money?

Will I ever have butt loads of money?
Maybe GOLD DIGGIN' jks

the rent is too damn high.

I have to go fix coding errors.  While I'm gone, please feel free to continue judging me to be a superficial, insecure, and unattractive teenager who doesn't know what the hell she is talking about.  Appreciated.



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