Saturday, December 14, 2013

McDonald's Poutine - Yum or Yuck?

Recently the fast food  powerhouse, McDonald's, launched the good ol' Canadian poutine in my area (Vancouver).  It was something I was exciting to try, but did it hold up to my expectations?

Price: $3.99
Quite affordable, as it falls within my typical $5 budget for junk food.  However, compared to an order of large fries, this costs a lot more!  I think large fries are only around $2.50, and you get a lot more deep fried goodness.

Portion: Small
This is a pretty tiny portion of frits, but keep in mind, this was intended to be a side order.  Regardless, I don't feel that the portion of poutine warrants the $3.99 price tag.  I might pay $2.99, but I don't feel like I'm getting my value.

I'm sure most of us are familiar with the famous french fries served at Micky D's, but how do they taste in poutine form?  Well, not so good.  I like my poutines served with thick steak fries, fresh out of the frying vat, because they stay hot enough to melt surrounding cheese curds.  The cheese in the McD box simply doesn't get ooey gooey and stringy!  Sure, there's the option of asking the staff to nuke it, but what if you're on the go?  Everything about the McDonald's poutine is just okay.  The cheese is there, but it doesn't melt; The gravy is warm, but lacks a lot of flavour; The fries are golden, but always award winningly fresh.  Although, you have to take it with a grain of salt (no pun intended) that anything mass produced won't have the same delectible quality of something made at a ma and pa joint.  Belgian Fries will always have a soft spot in my heart.

Would I get it again?
No.  I'd rather just get large fries. :(  The value just isn't there!



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