Saturday, August 7, 2010


My spending habits are awful during the season of Summer. Over the course of 5 weeks, my bank account has been purging money. Asides from the fact that I am desperately poor, I kinda want to make an order from ELF "orz. They came out with these $1 lipsticks! They have a light pink shade called Classy, but I don't know if it's pearl colour. Even if my pockets weren't empty, all the shades I want are out of stock (TT____TT);; Why can't dollar stores here carry nice cosmetics?!
Yesterday, I had my Japanese final exam. It was so easy! I thought it would be a lot harder, because I forgot it was multiple choice. Everyone was aloud to leave after 1 hour. This is the first time that I've taken less that the entire given time to complete an exam.

Here I am, some 30 minutes away from home. For obvious reasons, I didn't want to hang around, so I went home with some friends. We all went to my friend's house, Ash, to bake cookies. In the beginners class, there's this guy named Daniel. He's the one who insisted on baking. It was odd, because we found out that his parents own a BAKERY.

You might know Daniel. He has a dA account. He poses as a father of an AUTISTIC SON! If you ever get the chance to meet this boy, your first impression of him will be something along the lines of

"Gosh, he must be rather stupid and awkward."
After finding out about his dA account, you will think
"He is so cheap! SO STUPID!! Yet . . . what an ingenious idea of getting page veiws."
You now hear that he plays the piano.
"Such a goof. His piono playing skills must be mediocre."
He begins to play.
You find out that he's at a level good enough to be a teacher.

What an unpredictable person.

After baking cookies, we wanted to watch a movie. What would be good though. Daniel suggested a HK movie called Inferno Affairs, which sounded like a must see after finding out it was a thriller. Sadly, none of us could find the canto version streaming T___T It was the biggest battle trying to convince Ash's lil sis into letting us watch something that WASN'T a Ghibli Studio film. She made it quite blatently obvious, although without saying, that she wanted to watch Spirited away. I can't lie, she was being rather difficult in my eyes. When we asked her to help us find Infirno Affairs (since she was sitting ta the computer) she googled it, and gave up. LADY! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WATCH IT, SAY SO. THAT WAY I CAN LET YOU KNOW THAT YOU FREAKING WANT TO WATCH INFIRNO AFFAIRS. We ended up watching Spirited away in the end anyhow. Luckily, I never tire of that film.

I bought so many cons today OTL! Super Nudy pink, Nudy blue, Super Angel brown, Nudy brown. I don't have any cases for them yet, so I'll have to wait a week before I try any of them on T___T Not gonna lie. The lenses from the Super lines kinda worry me. I have small eyes, and I might look like a bug <(; A ;)> AIYA!

Okay! I gotta go study for Science.


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