Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One shit summer

Hey, everybody. Summer is one of the most amusing times of the year. I was really looking forwards to having fun, and I did have a lot of fun. Unfortunately, as all things seem to be, good comes with bad. Daddy was out all day yesterday, at the freaking casino. Seriously, it's just heart breaking for everybody in the family. I was tearing up at the dinner table today, because it just hurts to think about how he could be back to his old habits. You ever get the feeling that things happen in waves? It's almost as if history just came up behind me, and kicked me in the ass. Recently, and old friend named Olivia messaged me. It was a nice chat about good old times. The thought of dad gambling on everything our family owns is just a fucking nightmare. I'm sorry, guys. I just feel so freaking bad right now TAT


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