Friday, June 17, 2011

"I'm so embarrassed to be Canadian/Vancouverite"

After the crazy riot that followed the end of the Stanley Cup finals, I have heard numerous people complaining about how they are embarrassed to be Canadian or to be Vancouverites. What the fuck? Seriously? Where’s your patronage to the true north strong a free? Suddenly you’re embarrassed of your Canadian identity because it’s been “tainted” by a couple of jackasses who shit up the city? I don’t know why, but something about that just feels so incredibly pathetic, and rude.
There’s this strong essence of bandwagon-ery and egotistical-ness that emits from that sentence these people utter.

It’s like watching a mother abandoning her child over something petty, like shitting their pants in public; So sad. Perhaps I’m reading to deeply into the sentence, but srsly, SHUT THE FUCK UP. DON’T BE EMBARRASSED, BECAUSE VANCOUVER WAS BORN THIS WAY [INSERT LADY GAGA SONG HERE]. Stop denying your identity as Canadians and Vancouverites for your own ego. Maybe that’s not the case, but that’s my perspective on things.

Ugh… I’m even procrastinating at procrastinating. Alright, I’ll let that marinate in your mind.

- super tired.


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