Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas/Holidays/Whatever it is that you'll be doing

Sorry, I've been going crazy lately!  Enjoy this cover version of my favourite Christmas jam >D
Hope you all have a good one!  I have to go to work yet again this week (That's right, on xmas day!)

Time to get money
get paper
get girls all different flavours AHAHHAHAAHHAA jokes jokes.
Gotta go make cheeseburgers now.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I had a bad dream the night before that my sister had died.  I woke up crying.

On a more typical, angry note.  I bloody hate my 三婆 so fucking much.  God damn, I hate that woman with a deep passion.  My first impression of her was so bloody bad.When I first saw her, she asked me why my teeth were so yellow... are you fucking serious?  Hello to you too?  I fucking hate FOB ass Chinese immigrants.  Call me ignorant, racist, dumb.  I don't give a flaming fuck.  I hate those stupid Chinese motherfuckers.  Yes, Canada is all about multiculturalism, but I just can't relate to those dumb fucks!!!  ARGH!  I'm just venting right now. 

My view of Chinese immigrants basically just mirrors what my relatives feel about me.  So everything I'm saying right now is super mutual.

What my 三婆 probably things about me:

  • she's stupid
  • can't take care of herself
  • rude
  • spoiled
  • can't speak Chinese = super stupid

What I think about her:
  • She's cheap
  • she's too fucking loud
  • she's spoiled
  • she's just terrible

I'm not pulling this shit out of my ass.  She is definitely cheap.  My 三婆 has this habit of inviting people to go out for meals, but surprise, surprise!  SHE NEVER PAYS THE BILL, AND THAT'S WHY SHE'LL INVITE YOU!  I understand that she's fresh off the boat, but c'mon!  Mooching off others on a daily? Since she's from China, she instantly speaks at max volume at every occasion.  Because of this, I hide in my room whenever she's over.  I have the option of blowing out my eardrums by having her yell at my face, or listening to my favourite music.  The decision is easy!  Don't get me started on how loud and stuck up this woman is.  When she first arrived to Canada, my parents offered her furniture, food, and other necessities.  You know what she said?  She said she didn't want old stuff >___>  and she threw it out.  Grandma, if you don't fucking want it, don't take.  At least that way, we can donate it and make good use of it.  I hate her with all my being.

Yesterday, my mom dragged me to Futureshop with 三婆 to help pick out a new camera.  I really don't know much about cameras, so I didn't even want to go.  They wanted to ask me to help translate, but they almost always have Chinese employees there, which would have made my being there pointless anyhow.  I also had work that day, and I really didn't want to be out.  Did I mention they were buying this cam for somebody in CHINA?  They could probably buy the same cameras in China = =  At least that way in has Chinese interface.  The worst fucking part is that the very next day, she wanted to return it.  My mom HAD to go back with her.  god...................................... please take my 三婆's life in the coming years.  That's probably terrible, but I hate my family.  Maybe I should just die, that was I don't have to deal with ANYTHING orz

excuse my angst, I have to go to work.

Friday, December 2, 2011

I have 10 more minutes in class LOLOLOLOL

I feel so sick right now.  My stomach is killing me!  I have to go to this stupid safety meeting for work after school today... Not to say that safety is stupid, but I don't want to go to a training session = =  I feel so tired after what happened yesterday.  I'll be posting a vLog about that when I get home.  My goal is to post two videos up a week.  One casual normal vLog, and one raging rant HUR HUR HUR.  I will try my best to do this, but we all know it won't last long.  Am I right? ANYHOW, I can't say I remember my main purpose of starting up this entry orz 

I want to get a credit card ( talk about off topic)!  I was using a prepaid gift card on my PayPal account so that I could do instant transfers, but the card expired, and I can't use it anymore = =  I'll just use my mom's card so that I can do instant transfers again >D  I won't use her money though, I'M A GOOD CHILD.  I need to stop saying that LOLz  Did I mention that the weather is gorgeous today?  Well, it is.  Blue skies as far as the eye can see.  It's chilly, but it's definitely better that that cloudy crap we've been getting in recent weeks.  I kinda feel like going for a jog, but my back hurts SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much from yesterday.  Not to mention my aching knees, and raging stomach.  Perhaps it would be best to just head home a lay down.  I don't really want to feel anymore tired than I already do QQ  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Super busy day

UGH, hated today.  I'll fill you all in tomorrow with a casual vlog D:

AND QQ didn't get sub 1000.  UGH  gonna have to make it up tmr.
Oh yeah, why do all you Brits get the good television programing!?