Friday, December 2, 2011

I have 10 more minutes in class LOLOLOLOL

I feel so sick right now.  My stomach is killing me!  I have to go to this stupid safety meeting for work after school today... Not to say that safety is stupid, but I don't want to go to a training session = =  I feel so tired after what happened yesterday.  I'll be posting a vLog about that when I get home.  My goal is to post two videos up a week.  One casual normal vLog, and one raging rant HUR HUR HUR.  I will try my best to do this, but we all know it won't last long.  Am I right? ANYHOW, I can't say I remember my main purpose of starting up this entry orz 

I want to get a credit card ( talk about off topic)!  I was using a prepaid gift card on my PayPal account so that I could do instant transfers, but the card expired, and I can't use it anymore = =  I'll just use my mom's card so that I can do instant transfers again >D  I won't use her money though, I'M A GOOD CHILD.  I need to stop saying that LOLz  Did I mention that the weather is gorgeous today?  Well, it is.  Blue skies as far as the eye can see.  It's chilly, but it's definitely better that that cloudy crap we've been getting in recent weeks.  I kinda feel like going for a jog, but my back hurts SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much from yesterday.  Not to mention my aching knees, and raging stomach.  Perhaps it would be best to just head home a lay down.  I don't really want to feel anymore tired than I already do QQ  


Shiranui Kira said...

hang in there yo

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