Monday, April 30, 2012

Just one

Oh, Facebook, you've painted such beautiful lies for me in the past.

My grandparents have finally forgotten how old I am - which isn't shocking.  I only see them a few times a year.  Heck, I never even knew for certain how old they were, so I'm  not offended > <

Both of my parents managed to remember to tell me happy birthday.  My mom picked me up from work and said "Don't think I forgot!  Happy birthday!"  I was surprised that it's didn't slip her mind, so she replied saying that she was the one who had to give birth to me.  Certainly, labour isn't likely to be something that one soon forgets.  My dad called me later in the evening while waiting at the dock, and gave me the same message. He works on the island, so he's only home once a week. 

Between my friends, one friend had remembered to send me a text message saying "HAPPY BITHDAY!!"

Aiyo, feel so lonely with each passing year ;A;  I want to go out and hang out with friends, but then I feel so lethargic, and our schedules are so rarely compatible.  Oh well, just another day in the year!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Food review website? OMNOMNOM

After my gong show of a website project was completed, my web designed teacher assigned the students the next mission - A review website.  Perhaps it's due to my recent obsession with watching the Food Network, but I decided that I would do a food review website AHAHAHA a great excuse to go out and eat some food "orz  So much for getting fit for summer season (mind you, I never really put in a effort beyond 2 days of eating "healthy").  The theme is going to be cheap eats - cheap food you can get around the city.  I need to find some placed I should visit, but I can't think of too many things.  I was thinking of dropping by the bungeoppang stall around Lougheed, but it's soooooooooooooo far away T___T  I don't like taking the SkyTrain and doing nothign for so long, it makes me feel very sleepy.  I want to visit Commecial drive.  OMG THE BELL RAND LATER - lunch!

Monday, April 9, 2012


My mom asked me if I wanted rice or noodles.  She knows my throat hurts like a son of a bitch, yet she says "You can at least nod or shake your head."  Bitch, that wasn't a freakin' yes or no question = =

I know she looking out for me, but I honestly don't want to talk to her . . . Her IQ is oh so very questionable.

strep throat, hate you QQ

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I got a fever = = What is this madness?! I lost my voice, too. As a result, every time somebody tries to talk to me, I look constipated due to the fact that it hurts to talk. I feel like my throat is bleeding T____T My mom is pissing me off yet again. She knows for fact that I am sick, yet she insists that I go to Wal-Mart with her. The idea of shopping there with my mom drives me up the wall, because she always has some problem with her credit card or there's something wrong with the bill - No joke. EVERY BLOODY TIME. If there is ever an instance when I can leave Wal-Mart with my mom skipping a visit to the customer service desk, I will be happy to let you know. 

I had to film this commercial for a school project . . . so ghetto.
This was the one day that my partners and I were free to work, and it
also happened to be the same day that everybody else was free; Good Friday T___T there's
a lot of background noise on the audio track, and I'm too lazy to put any effort into fixing it.
So awkward, I saw so many familiar faces, and I didn't really want to say hi
to everybody, because I'm rude like that.

After filming, we were going to treat ourselves to ice cream at Rocky Mountain,
but then remembered that were were eating sushi - just didn't seem like a nice match, but we
got free samples HAHAHAHA *cheap*

The blossoms are blooming, therefore it is almost my birthday B)
Not excited . . . don't even celebrate anymore :(

My pet dog is so messy. tsk tsk.  Teddy bear cookies all over the mat.

 A daily struggle.
Tell me why mom mom still forgets to knock on the door when I am butt naked
in my room, even after I have gone through the effort of printing out a sign
that says "Please knock" in an language she can read and understand = =
I should just install a lock.

ok, lates.