Monday, April 30, 2012

Just one

Oh, Facebook, you've painted such beautiful lies for me in the past.

My grandparents have finally forgotten how old I am - which isn't shocking.  I only see them a few times a year.  Heck, I never even knew for certain how old they were, so I'm  not offended > <

Both of my parents managed to remember to tell me happy birthday.  My mom picked me up from work and said "Don't think I forgot!  Happy birthday!"  I was surprised that it's didn't slip her mind, so she replied saying that she was the one who had to give birth to me.  Certainly, labour isn't likely to be something that one soon forgets.  My dad called me later in the evening while waiting at the dock, and gave me the same message. He works on the island, so he's only home once a week. 

Between my friends, one friend had remembered to send me a text message saying "HAPPY BITHDAY!!"

Aiyo, feel so lonely with each passing year ;A;  I want to go out and hang out with friends, but then I feel so lethargic, and our schedules are so rarely compatible.  Oh well, just another day in the year!


anon said...

Your parents love you. Happy birthday, PK.

Vivars said...

Happy birthday, I hope you have a great one. <:

Princess Kahara said...

Thank you :)

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