Monday, April 8, 2013

Pie Day Update

Pie Day was a month ago, and I've finally found the will to update you all on what happened :D

Did I manage to win the pie recital?
Did my friend finish eating the pie in the pie contests?
Did either one of us manage to achieve redemption for the face of all calc students?


 My friend, Winnie, donated enough money to participate in the pie eating contest.

Based on the participants of the pie eating contests, 
I learned two things:

1.Very few people want to donate to the
math department

2.Men are not very generous.

All four of the contestants were girls, and all of them 
donated less than $5 pfft

Her mission was to be the first to finish eating the beast above - with nothing but her face.
The MCs realized some 2 minutes into the contest that
everyone would be sitting there until July at the rate the girls were 
pie eating with their faces.

The girls were given the okay to eat with their digits,
and hands immediately dug into the slimy apple goo.

All but one girls began to slow down....

...and this chick won.
Damn, was I pissed!  I was cheering Winnie on!
We were supposed to win together, and pie teachers together :'( 
At the same time, I was glad she didn't win, because
that shit isn't pretty!  
If I were a dude, I would not touch a girl who
wins an eating contest.  Sorry if that offends you, but, c'mon.
^ DOES that shit look sexy?  Hmmm?
That's what I though.
Good on that girl for going beast though. *clap clap clap* :)
(I don't mean the winners face is ugly in case anybody gets defensive,  I'm talking about shoving food into your mouth at that rate)       

I was standing behind stage waiting to recite pi.  It was only 
then that I realized the severity of the situation.

I was up against the most powerful math specimen of all time


In all fairness, the participants backstage might have
been CBCs (Chinese born Canadian), but how many CBCs would
voluntarily participate in a pi recital?
I'm an exception, because I'm a maverick KEKEKEKE

I'm looking at the sheets that some of the kids are holding,
and they've got numbers written down that I haven't memorized yet.  T o T;;

I was thinking:

"Oh shit, I'm so screwed.  They're gonna
annihilate me with their FOB powers."

The first contestant screwed up REALLY quickly.
One of the male contestants recited numbers at light speed, but was asked to slow down.
A girl in a purple sweater recited a LOT of numbers - I was afraid that I couldn't beat her.

They called my name.

I grabbed a chair and sat down.

"3.14..... 95.."

"That's enough
you win!"

I asked somebody to help me take pictures of the pie-ing, but I had set
my camera on manual focus, and she didn't now how to
take snaps :(

Sorry, folks.  I'll see what I can snag from
some yearbook kids if they let me LOL

Anyhow, I pied my calc teacher and won a chocolate TI calculator.

Have a good one.


anon said...

You've earned my eternal respect and admiration.

Princess Kahara said...

Thank you B)

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