Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How NOT to fix Samsung Galaxy S4

Ello my nibbletsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssz
Here's what happens when you give me a screwdriver and a few cheaply made eBay China cellphone parts.  In case I didn't make it clear enough in my video:

I don't know jack shit 
about phone repair

Here's what happened to my phone:

You know when you hold a pee...


And when you finally sit down to piss,
it's like a raging storm exits your body.

Well, I didn't piss on my phone.
but mother nature fucking did.

I just got off the Ching Chong version of a Grey Hound, and it was
rain was pissing from the sky.  

God, just hang a hose over my head, why doncha :/

It's not that I haven't seen rain (I live in a rainy ass city)
I've just never had to walk through such heavy rain.

 Despite my lack of knowledge, I decided to stick my dick 
in Shelly, and see what I could do.
I half succeeded

I basically just followed a YouTube tutorial.
 Thank god it was YouTube, and not Pinterest, otherwise
this would have been a complete fail.

It works, but poorly. It takes a FULL day to charge my damn phone. Faulty parts!

Lesson: Don't buy ratchet parts sent from China.  

Shit, the flex cable was sent in
a fucking zip lock bag that was lodged into a yellow bubble wrap lined parcel envelope.
It easily could have been bent the wrong way in post = =


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