Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why do people have kids?

I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.


I find it so strange that some people would VOLUNTARILY submit 
themselves to the horrors of child birth. 

AND THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING! As if having your lady bits stretched out wasn't enough, then follows the endless nights without sleep.
The crying, the shitting, the agony. 

I don't care how cute babies look when they're in neutral.
Once the motors start churning tears out, I'm out.

Absolutely can't stand the sound of babies crying.
It literally gives me an anxiety rash.
I sit there in frustration unable to shut of the source of the heinous sound

"Oh, come on!  You were a baby once, too."
Might be what some of you are thinking now.

And you would be right.  HOWEVER, that was not by choice,
and it does not make me hate babies/kids any less.

Some people also argue that 
kids an take care of their parents when they are seniors.

Screw. That.

Plan A:
When I'm old and decrepit, and unable to take care of myself,
I'll just move to somewhere that support euthanasia, and be like
"Bye mothafuckas"

I don't want anybody helping me wipe my ass.

"Maybe it's just financial support"

Please see Plan A B|

Kids?  I don't need none of that!



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