Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Downtown Vancouver - A stroll around the city

Robson and Granville

I had some errands to run, so I found myself wandering around Downtown Vancouver on
a gorgeous sunny day :)  My favourite part about the summer season - blue skies.

Do you do that?  Just wander around the city.  There's something so
exciting about finding small "gems" throughout the city.
Interesting architecture, charming city people, and unexplored food journeys.
It's a damn shame, but I haven't been doing much photography recently.
I admit that I'm mediocre at best, but there's something so pleasing about snapping photos.

Inside Waterfront Station

Waiting for somebody at Waterfront Station.
Can I we just take a moment to appreciate how damn wide
the lens on the Canon Powershot S110 is?

I lurv it

JJ Bean Coffee

I walked passed this coffee shop that had grass on the roof.
Does that make the roof rot?  I don't know :p  
I don't fix that stuff for a living.
Either way, it still looked pretty rad.

At McDonald's

I thought I would try to brainstorm some video ideas with a cup of cheap joe.
Did it work? Absolutely not.  I was completely distracted by EVERYTHING :D

I know.  Mucho productive.

 There was a small green bug on my bag.  I liked the contrast.
It's very BAM.  Look at me.  I'm a bug.
Yenno whatI mean?  .... ok, pro

These. Mother. Fuckers.
They were everywhere, outside of the resteraunt.
Kept distracting my from my work.

Tis all



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