Thursday, June 12, 2014

Indirect Answers:Just tell me "Yes" or "No"

Holy crap.  Why is it so hard for some people to simply answer 
"Yes" or "No"

Fundamentally, it seems like one of the easiest types of question to answer.
Literally, only a once syllable response!
How do so many people fuck it up?!

When people start explaining themselves rather than telling me their answer,
I feel like the duration of my  
life is being depleted
on some 
bullshit, insignificant, irrelevant answer.

Maybe that sounds a bit extreme.
But, if I wanted to hear your elaborate excuse of an explaination,
I would have asked for it :/

I shouldn't have to prompt somebody to
respond to me with either "yes" or "no",
but maybe that's the only way to get a direct response GAAAH ;____;




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