Saturday, June 7, 2014

Penis Tomato

I'm gonna start actually making this more of a 
daily blog.  I'm not going to school during summer,
so what the fuck else am I gonna do :(


In case the penis tomato struck your curiosity, here is a picture :B

I also got a new compact camera.
The Canon S110 in white.
Ideally, I would have gotten this in black, but w/e


I haven't actually tested out taking any pictures with it yet,
but it takes great camwhore shots ✌️

Also, the continuous autofocus on video function on
this small beauty is a beast.  Really appreciate the continuous autofocus
and the low light ability on my new compact cam.

I know the S130 is out, but I don't want to waste all my bank T____T

Random findings around town

 Just. Look.
His hat is freaking massive!

I was speed walking home on a rainy day (no umbrella, of course), and caught sight of this gentleman
in his ridiculously large hat.

Looks dumb, but in that moment, I wanted it :(

 On a less rainy day, I was biking around and accidentally took these snaps.
 I have an increased appreciation for the blue sky
after experiencing the horror that was Beijing.

Beijing air = Lung cancer

That, kids, is science. 

And a random snap of a old lookin' red car.

Ok, bye.


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