Monday, June 28, 2010

No fish bait, just jail bait.

Hello my lovelies, it has been a long time since I've sat down to type away. What shall I talk about . . . . my break thus far, camping, and Vlogging (more on the lacking of).

My break has been quite busy, just as I had planned. I have concocted a schedule of unnecessary daily trips to the mall, work, and summer school. Guilty as charged, I'm a mall rat. I don't want to go everyday, but there always seems to be some excuse for me to be there: Friend invites me, lack of food, or maybe I just got the cash I needed to buy that awesome shirt. Surprise, surprise. I'll probably be there again tomorrow. "orz

A couple of days ago I went to Aberdeen with the TAM TAM. I don't even remember what the hell we did. What I do remember is her saying
TAM: *pick up white board* So tempting . . . but so USELESS!
ME: Kinda like you. jks.
TAM: Do I TEMPT you?

Some douche-bagary from me today:
TAM: I should Ethan a T-shirt with an "F" on it.
ME: Why?
TAM: "F" for FAT.
ME: HAHAHA "Hey Ethan, I got a you a T-shirt with an "F" on it. "F" for fat. Got it in XXXL just to make sure it fits you."
TAM: Wow. I wouldn't even say that.

... Me neither, but this is the rude shiz that runs through my head. I CAN'T HELP IT. I WAS RAISED IN A DOUCHY FAMILIA! BTW, I didn't make that fat comment because it was Ethan, I made it in with the thought of fat person in mind . . . if that makes any sense. Douchy none the less, but if Ethan reads this, sorry. I'm just the type of person who likes to say "What if..."

Me and the Tam bought some stuff for Ash today. What I bought is EXCLUSIVE INFORMATION! We did get some chody pencils though. One for each Amershley MEMBER!

I had work yesterday. Originally, I was supposed to be off at 1am, but we were getting new cash registers. Instead, I got off at 10:30pm. It was so early, that I stayed around until 11pm. I'm glad I did, because Po brought in ice cream, and waffle cones. YUMMY! Mango sherbet, and chocolate ice cream. Garrick, one of the managers, accidentally dropped a bunch of muffins. It was pretty funny, because he was freaking out about a certain somebody seeing his mistake. It was just one mistake after another HAHAH! He's a nice guy though. With I had a big bro like him. Since we were closing early, there was a bunch of excess patties. I had myself a chicken burger (:

worked 2 grave yard shifts.

I bought two pairs of cons. Ash wing, and honey wing.

Err... what else do I have to say?



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