Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pile on the home work

FYI, the school year is going to end in just under two weeks (that's excluding the upcoming EXAM week). As much as I would like to dream about the joys of summer, I'm far too busy drowning in the gargantuan mounds of school work my teachers have decided to assign. Apparently I had a SS assignment that was due today, but I had NOTHING to hand in. No notes, no title page, no nothing! This has grown to be a rare occasion during my high school career. Luckily, my SS teacher isn't too strict about late assignments. She'll give a good loud warning, but she doesn't dock marks, thank goodness.

My socials class (it's fun when there isn't a pen in your hand):

My English teacher's late policy costed me a wopping 50% of my project. Did I mention that this mark docking happened on the day of my BIRTHDAY! Do you have any idea as to how IMMENSELY BUMMED OUT I WAS?! Not only had I pulled an all nighter, but my teacher punishes me with a mark that could potential risk A+?!
Just so you know, I've gone from 97% to 86%
My overall average for the year is now 84%, a B
I don't blame my teacher for anything. She has her rules; Simple as that. What I was angery about, however, was that fact that my mother told me I would not get a new computer until I GRADUATED from HIGH SCHOOL. Does she have any idea as to how many marks that would cost me?! DOES SHE UNDERSTAND THE PURE AGONY I GO THROUGH EVERYTIME I TURN ON THIS PIECE OF JUNK?! Although my mother doesn't know smack about what RAM is, she does understand that small numbers in school are a bad sign. I, without hesatation, informed my mom about the tragic 12/24 I got on my English assignment. Words wouldn't persuade her much, but I was bawling my eyes out. That was enough to get her attention.

Mom: We'll get a you a new computer this weekend.
Me: *sob* okay.
[next day]
Mom: I hired a guy to fix your computer

So the dude comes and does enough digital magic for me to save my project. He tells my mom that my turdy computer wasn't enough to handle photo or video editing, and that it was best I get a new comp..

Computer guy: I usually don't tell people to get new computers, seeing as how most of my clients have kids who have gaming problems. If your daughter wants to persue illustrating or video editing, I think you should support that.

Thank you, mister Computer Guy.

My after school life is DEAD! My entire week will be spent in the dark, dreadful confinements of the school auditorium. "What are you doing there?" you may ask. I'm in theatre company, and the school play is going to be on at the end of this week. "Rather late in the year for a school play." I agree, but my class has gone through a tornado of different teachers. It's hard to stay on task without guidance.

Today, we did a dress rehersal for the first cast (we were double casted). It ran for the LONGEST time. Many actors forgot their lines, which was slightly awkward. I don't blame them; Sometimes it's hards to juggle everything.
Instead of discussing the troubles the crew has been having, let's take a look at our aged actresses.

Here's Lenya, getting her 42-year-old makeup on.

Might not be able to see, but Magistrate is rocking out her I'm-79-now look.


Nate Leung said...

OMG! ms. bisaro!!! that's creepy; i nvr had Bisaro cuz I was in Mr. Jackson's, but seriously...that's a SCARY video. I see TATE in the video too=O!!!

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