Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's up!

Today, I was supposed to go practice a Mandarin skit with my group. As irresponsible as it may sound, I skipped. Why would anybody want to waste such a wonderful 4 day weekend recited the lines to some story about 4 blind men and an elephant?! Originally, I had the legit reason of not going due to the pink eye I contracted on Friday, but it cleared up nicely of the weekend. I worked grave yard last night, and the last thing I wanted to do was . . . well, that.
Let me explain to you the type of person I am in group projects. If it seems as though most people in my group are unguided, I will take charge as leader. When it is evident that somebody else seems to be having and agonizingly fun time micromanaging the project, me no care. This is one of the reasons I don't like working with overachievers who like to be in charge of everything.

a) they piss me off, because they act all high and mighty
b) you can't really feel happy in the group, because they always seem angry at something
c) can't feel productive.
d) bitch, plz. Take a chill pill.

Organize! Don't do everything and blame others for being lazy. I'm beginning to see why people judge this partner I speak of. They called me EVERYDAY! EXCUSE ME! I'm reading comics while scratching my butt. Cannot I not enjoy my evening without having my mum barge in with the phone?


I think she's convinced that my mando is pretty shit, because she was saying that I should practice blah blah blah. Gosh, woman! This is supposed to be a simple project. Why are you making it some big production.

HO FAN AH! DING MM SOON AH! jashfjgahgakjhg

Okay. Here are some photos I edited today, cause I noticed they were really dull.
I took a picture of them off my desktop, because I don't have a USB orz

Somebody's backyard

This is my favourite photo in terms of one I've taken
myself ""orz

A picture that I start in July, but didn't pick up until . . .
this evening.

Laterz, hiking tomorrow!


Shiranui Kira said...


Princess Kahara said...

SUP KYO! Gonna start blogging like a Taiwanese boy now? HAHAHAH

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