Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Adaptive radiation

I was supposed to have PE last block today, but it was raining cats and dogs and the gym was being used (for this conference about whether or not a certain elementary school should be closed). Instead of running around in the cold muck outside, my class took part in a game of pictionary. It was fun. Something we had to guess was "Southern California". One of the girls on my team started to sing California girls and somehow we came up Southern Cali.... HAHHAAHA

On my way home, I spotted some clothes up in a tree. It isn't crazy, but it seemed oddly funny at the time. Actually, it's still pretty funny now.

Adptive Radiation

I had intended on typing up a long entry on this idea that's been running around in my head for the past little while, but it's getting awfully late.

ARGH! For the sake of my well being (I need sleep too!) I'll try my best to summarise my thoughts.

I pray that not too many of my friends read my blog, because regardless or whether or not you all pick up the subtext, I'm talking about you! Today's entry is no exception.

Adaptive radiation is the idea that a certain species will take up a niche that is open, and will then go through evolution to be more fit to its environment.... I think that's how it works.

We've all made at least one close friends during our years in elementary school. We laughed, played tag, and built trust with those new found companions. Without realising, everyone seems to have found their own little families. I remember hanging out with the same four friends for the longest time, and I even remember how I had the title of "leader", as if we were in a band. It wasn't until one of the girls in my little group moved to a new school that relationships seem to shift so much.

During the year end field trip during fifth grade, two girls from my former group of four decided to leave me for the "popular girls". By no means was I surprised by their decision. It was clear to me that being part of that particular crew had always been part of their interest. And luckily for me, I still had my loyal friend, Freyja (silent J).

The summer that follow fifth grade, my parents told me I had to move. New part of town, new neighbours, new school. A tragedy at the time, but boy, am I glad to be here! I enjoyed my last years of elementary with new friends, and every one of them had made such a great influence on me. Before attending this new school, I suppose you could say I was a potty mouth. That changed... HAHAHA

Errr. . . It's really late now. I didn't get to talk about my point LMFAO! OH WELL. THERE'S SOME OF MY LIFE STORY



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