Saturday, November 13, 2010

Being with you

Being with you is like
watching TV on mute,
eating those crap 100 calorie snacks,
waiting in the doctors office ,
failing an assignment,
sitting on new glasses,
choking myself,
not getting picked in class when you have your hand up,
sitting nowhere with nothing but darkness,
drinking my own tears,
standing on a busy corner with a sign that says punch me in the face,
speaking to the automated message on voice mail,
having my reflection scowl at me,
going to a food bank and have people tell me I deserve to starve,
Being unhappy.

I'm "brewing coffee", but the filter doesn't keep it from tasting bitter. Chewing on coffee grinds is strictly for my closest friends and I.

XOXO (as a tribute to what my school buds are raving over now.) orz


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

are u sad

Anonymous said...

are u heart broken

Anonymous said...

how come you so ssad

Princess Kahara said...

I'm forever alone~

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