Saturday, November 20, 2010

Camwhore in public

I decided to go shopping today even though it was freezing cold. Most of my money probably went to buying food ;____; BUT IT WAS WELL WORTH IT, because my stomach was happy - U - When I first arrived to my selected shopping location, my grumbling belly lead me over to A&W.

Ended up eating an UNCO SIRLOIN. It was massive B| After that, I went to Mcd's for a cup of free coffee. The person who grabbed my order gave me my coffee with double cream, NOT DOUBLE DOUBLE T_____T SOBS. WHERE MY SUGAR AT?! DISAPPOINT, DISSAPOINT.

This is where I camwhored. Can you guess where I was shopping at? The picture is photoshopped. LET'S SEE WHICH LOCALS KNOW THIS LOCATION OHOHOHO.

After observing the time stamps on the pictures I took today, it has come to light that I spend a lot of time camwhoring on a regular basis. Luckily, there weren't a lot of people in the area that I was taking pictures at. Only a single woman who was walking her dog.

I think I spent at least 40 minutes taking pictures HAHAHA! OH GAWD! I am so self centered.
It was a lot of fun, but my hands were freezing from the cold air.
After my hands went completely numb, I finally brought myself to go shopping, and I bought some stuff! OHOHO.
I'll post it tomorrow with pictures. :D

Don't the orange leaves look pretty against the green grass? I think so. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to see them tomorrow. It began to snow this evening, and it snowed HARD. All the pretty colours will have to hide under the white sheet.

stay warm


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