Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh, boy! It's almost 10

What do ya know? Tomorrow is the last day of my long weekend.

Perhaps it's the fact that I haven't done any homework that makes this delightful little four day weekend feel so wrong. Anyways, I'm gonna go watch a movie over at my friend, Asho's house. If all goes well, and nobody decides to cancel, my little trio of friends shall attend to watching Paprika >D

Don't you hate it when people flake out on you last minute? Unless somebody in their family is hospitalized, or being pursued by loan sharks, or if they're in the hospital because they were being pursued by loan sharks, THEY BETTER HANG OUT WITH YOU! Okay, maybe we're not all that important, but who can deny the let down you feel when your "bff" suddenly says "Oh, never mind, can't go ______ with you anymore". Worse yet, the follow up of some pathetic attempt at an apology. AND JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT COULDN'T GET ANYMORE FREAKING WORSE; What if they don't even apologize.

For all those people who say "Let do _____ together." casually. They should think if they actually have the time. All at the same while, consider whether or not YOU, the individual who is reading this, casually accepts/cancels invites.

If it's some massive party where your attendance won't be recognized until pictures on FB are posted, it's easy to understand why you would cancel. But let's say it's a couples thing (not necessarily lovers, just two people). One less that two is one, and just one is simply no fun. Thought about this while thinking about something Nate told me, and about something my bbycakes told me. The idea of leading people on.

What's the point in formalities of saying yes to an invite if you're only going to rudely waste somebody's time later by canceling?

Really random, but I got a new cell phone charm thingy. Spotted at the mall while I was shopping with my BFFL, AND IT WAS SO FREAKING SOFT. IT'S LIKE THE CUTENESS OF A 1000 PUPPIES COMPACTED INTO THE FUN SIZE SHAPE OF A TINY TEDDY BEAR!. OH MY BUDDHA, IT IS SO AMAZING.... sorry... I just thought it was pretty cool...


-pk ♥


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