Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My make-up mask

I thought I would go to school with only concealer on yesterday. It wasn't a big deal for me, seeing as how I'm not addicted to makeup. However, during the last block of the day, one of my classmates said
"... where is you beauty?"
She didn't mean this in an offensive way. This girl is the type of person who speaks in a blissfully ignorant way. Kinda like my BFF, Ahaha. ANYHOW, I was slightly offended.
Even when somebody accidentally hits you, it still hurts a little.

Now that I think about it, I haven't actually gone to school without makeup since grade 8 .___.""

lazy typing day. Latez


Anonymous said...

i've probably been watching your youtube videos since last year and still am. regardless of what people say, i think they're great or else i wouldn't constantly be checking my subscriptions for new ones :) i stumbled across your blog months ago but I never really bothered reading it until now, to meee its interesting and i dont know why, maybe because im a guy HAHA i can relate to some of your more personal posts because i do attend the same school, anywhooo keep up with whatchur doinn and like..
andd you can't really call me a creeper right?

Princess Kahara said...

hEY! Thanks for reading. You go to my school, eh?! REVEAL YOURSELF!

I'll have a video up maybe on Tuesday afternoon-ish. o3o

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