Monday, May 23, 2011

Stave Lake

I got back form the Youth Retreat that I attended over the weekend. I'll hopefully be able to pots more about it tomorrow, but I'm on my shitty old computer right now, and I don't want to wast 2 hours transfering the pictures from my cam to my computer.

While I'm typing away, my mom said that work called home on both Saturday and Sunday. Here's the deal, I forgot to book the weekend off for my trip. My friend had told me two weeks ago on Wednesday that the trip would be on the coming weekend. As soon as I was informed, I walked over to work in order to book the days off. To my surprise the schedule was already done. I remember when I was first hired, I was verbally told that the schedule came out on Thursday I had no idea that they changed it to a day earlier each week. So I asked one of the managers if they could help me, and they told me the usual "You should have booked it off" (which I should have) and told me to ask a different manager.

During the weekend prior to my trip, I asked one of the managers if they could help me give my shift to somebody else, in which she replied, "I'll see what I can do." Already, I had a feeling she wouldn't do much about it, so I bagan asking fellow employees on my own. The only shift I could get rid of was my Saturday shift, but I couldn't find anybody to take my Sunday shift. I had already asked every cooworker I had contact with, but none of them seemed to be able to take the shift.

I left for the Lodge on thruday evening, and when I arrived, I didn't really see much priority in contacting work. It kinda was irrisponsible of me. I probably should have called, but trust me. When you're so preoccupied with the schedule at camp, you really don't want to pull away from the friendliness just for technology. Is this sounding choppy? Sorry, still trying to find a way to blog nicely HAHAH

k, hope I don't get a mouthful when I go back to work during the weekend.

Monday, May 16, 2011


ok bye.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Worst year

Totally irelavent picture, but I found this written on somebody's locker in my school. I gotta a kick out of it, because it's reminds my of mychonny HEHEHHE I love his videos. And sorry I haven't been making videos as of lately. Heck, I haven't even been making casual vlogs = =

Anyhow, I hate edited videos when my mom is breathing down my neck. It feels so awkward when my mom is analyzing everything I'm doing.

I just noticed, and excuse my for getting all emo again, but this has been the worst year of high school yet. I’ve heard from some students that this is the best year of high school, and I can see why. You know your way around school, and you know what the expectations are, but all of the details in my high school life have been kinda shit. Namely growing apart form people who I though would eventually be close friends with for life . . . Or at very least acquaintances on good terms. Everything feels so fast pace in high school. Mind you, 5 years isn’t a very long time to begin with, but when I see all of the things that have changed in my life, my mind is just blown! I mean that in the worst way possible, because the only good change is that I do my homework now = =

I'm gonna be camping next weekend, so I'll have no internet access for a whole weekend!! NOOOOOOOOOOO What has my life come to. Why am I willing to give up precious internet for bear rape!? QAQ qq baby

I don’t know when I’m going to pick up the slack and start to blog and vlog more frequently, but I’l try ASAP ;D as if SUCKERS, I’m too lazy.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I was having a fine and dandy day, and they just had to say something unnecessary. Once during the morning, and somebody else during the afternoon. I mean, it was something petty, and I've done my best to ignore it, but ever so briefly, it got on my nerves.

I hate this city. Mainly because of a certain label of people; The wangsters and the nammers. Not all of them, but I absolutely can't stand the ones that are just so overly showy and arrogant.

Onto the boring topic of politics. Stephen Harper was re-elected as Canada's prime minister. This time around, the Conservative party holds a majority of the seats in parliament meaning they can pass any god-darn laws they want.

Historic events:
1) NDP is the opposition party against the Conservatives
Normally it's only the the Liberals and the Conservatives among the top two in the running
2) Green party got a seat.
It's 1 measly seat, but that's more than they have ever had in history. If it weren't for that one seat, the Green party might have actually been finished.
3) Liberals did not get very many seats
Like I said earlier, normally Liberals are almost always among the top two, the fact that they lost so many seats is a dramatic change.

I don't know much about politics, but this is what I learned through facebook orz

Osama Bin laden is dead

I'm honestly rather unchanged by this fact. You might be thinking "Oooooh! He died! heck yeah!"
But think again, how does it affect your life. Shit hasn't changed, some old crippled geezer died.

Not much going on with my life. HAHA. Need more yaoi.