Sunday, May 15, 2011

Worst year

Totally irelavent picture, but I found this written on somebody's locker in my school. I gotta a kick out of it, because it's reminds my of mychonny HEHEHHE I love his videos. And sorry I haven't been making videos as of lately. Heck, I haven't even been making casual vlogs = =

Anyhow, I hate edited videos when my mom is breathing down my neck. It feels so awkward when my mom is analyzing everything I'm doing.

I just noticed, and excuse my for getting all emo again, but this has been the worst year of high school yet. I’ve heard from some students that this is the best year of high school, and I can see why. You know your way around school, and you know what the expectations are, but all of the details in my high school life have been kinda shit. Namely growing apart form people who I though would eventually be close friends with for life . . . Or at very least acquaintances on good terms. Everything feels so fast pace in high school. Mind you, 5 years isn’t a very long time to begin with, but when I see all of the things that have changed in my life, my mind is just blown! I mean that in the worst way possible, because the only good change is that I do my homework now = =

I'm gonna be camping next weekend, so I'll have no internet access for a whole weekend!! NOOOOOOOOOOO What has my life come to. Why am I willing to give up precious internet for bear rape!? QAQ qq baby

I don’t know when I’m going to pick up the slack and start to blog and vlog more frequently, but I’l try ASAP ;D as if SUCKERS, I’m too lazy.



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