Monday, May 23, 2011

Stave Lake

I got back form the Youth Retreat that I attended over the weekend. I'll hopefully be able to pots more about it tomorrow, but I'm on my shitty old computer right now, and I don't want to wast 2 hours transfering the pictures from my cam to my computer.

While I'm typing away, my mom said that work called home on both Saturday and Sunday. Here's the deal, I forgot to book the weekend off for my trip. My friend had told me two weeks ago on Wednesday that the trip would be on the coming weekend. As soon as I was informed, I walked over to work in order to book the days off. To my surprise the schedule was already done. I remember when I was first hired, I was verbally told that the schedule came out on Thursday I had no idea that they changed it to a day earlier each week. So I asked one of the managers if they could help me, and they told me the usual "You should have booked it off" (which I should have) and told me to ask a different manager.

During the weekend prior to my trip, I asked one of the managers if they could help me give my shift to somebody else, in which she replied, "I'll see what I can do." Already, I had a feeling she wouldn't do much about it, so I bagan asking fellow employees on my own. The only shift I could get rid of was my Saturday shift, but I couldn't find anybody to take my Sunday shift. I had already asked every cooworker I had contact with, but none of them seemed to be able to take the shift.

I left for the Lodge on thruday evening, and when I arrived, I didn't really see much priority in contacting work. It kinda was irrisponsible of me. I probably should have called, but trust me. When you're so preoccupied with the schedule at camp, you really don't want to pull away from the friendliness just for technology. Is this sounding choppy? Sorry, still trying to find a way to blog nicely HAHAH

k, hope I don't get a mouthful when I go back to work during the weekend.


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