Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I was having a fine and dandy day, and they just had to say something unnecessary. Once during the morning, and somebody else during the afternoon. I mean, it was something petty, and I've done my best to ignore it, but ever so briefly, it got on my nerves.

I hate this city. Mainly because of a certain label of people; The wangsters and the nammers. Not all of them, but I absolutely can't stand the ones that are just so overly showy and arrogant.

Onto the boring topic of politics. Stephen Harper was re-elected as Canada's prime minister. This time around, the Conservative party holds a majority of the seats in parliament meaning they can pass any god-darn laws they want.

Historic events:
1) NDP is the opposition party against the Conservatives
Normally it's only the the Liberals and the Conservatives among the top two in the running
2) Green party got a seat.
It's 1 measly seat, but that's more than they have ever had in history. If it weren't for that one seat, the Green party might have actually been finished.
3) Liberals did not get very many seats
Like I said earlier, normally Liberals are almost always among the top two, the fact that they lost so many seats is a dramatic change.

I don't know much about politics, but this is what I learned through facebook orz

Osama Bin laden is dead

I'm honestly rather unchanged by this fact. You might be thinking "Oooooh! He died! heck yeah!"
But think again, how does it affect your life. Shit hasn't changed, some old crippled geezer died.

Not much going on with my life. HAHA. Need more yaoi.


Ally Gong said...


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