Sunday, July 17, 2011


I was browsing around on the F21 website, and I noticed they started taking paypal! All my wildest dreams have come true. I don't own a credit card, so paypal makes shopping on this site a lot easier. Normally, I would have to buy a gift card to shop online, so I'm so stoked that F21 has decided to implement the option of paypal.

Tis all. Just wanted to let anybody who cared know, because I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY THAT I DON'T HAVE TO WALK A MILE TO PAY FOR AN ORDER ONLINE >D YEAAAAAAAAAAH


Monday, July 11, 2011

Faux Jail

Hello my lovelies. Long time no blog. My schedule has been kept . . . mildly occupied seeing as how I signed myself up for summer school. FYI, in case you don't remember from my vlogs, I'm not taking a remedial course, I'm taking a completion. This means I'm trying to get myself ahead of the game >D Honestly, I don't understand how my friend can be so motivated about getting an education. I'm not trying to promote the idea of being a lazy bum, or dropping out of school, but being serious just seems like such a drag. Although school achievements can look good on your resume, are they worth an arm and a leg? Should I lose my stress free childhood over a piece of paper? From what I know about myself, I don't think I'll ever be recognized for being an amazing academic. I can guarantee that my mother wants me to conform with societies standards to take part in a higher education. The thing is, I don't know how far that will take me. Will an expensive sheet of paper guarantee me a labour free job? No. Thinking about it, I don't have an option as to whether or not I want to go to post secondary.


Summer school has been alright all in all. Mind you, I can't get 60% of the concepts over my head, but that's a otay. As long as I pass.... ahaha OTL For some reason, this summer has felt super cold. REALLY COLD. Seriously, I feel like I should be melting right now, not trying to keep mucus from dribbling out of my nose.

I'm way to lazy transfer pics from my cam to my computer right now, so you can enjoy some picture from last week OHOHOHOHOHO!



Monday, July 4, 2011

Greek food, b*tches!

Omnomnomnom. These pictures are actually from June 29th (: It was the last day of school, and my friends and I just picked up our report cards. Surprisingly, I didn't get any Cs! OHOHOHO Anyhow, to celebrate the ending of a long year, we decided to get together at Trocodera! We got there pretty early, around 11am, so the place was empty.
Obviously, the food took a little bit of time to reach our tables, but I wasn't to stingy about waiting for it. However, my friend's little sister (who looks about 5) became a little grumpy. My friend, Tina, said "Drink water, it tastes good." I chuckled at what she said and began to mock her. An and I drank our water while saying "The clarity of the water is amazing, and there's this crisp undertone to it!"

The young girl didn't seem to be too impressed, so we changed tactics. In the end, we ordered a little side dish. Deep fried food is always good, so we ordered some zucchini sticks. The five year old only ate the deep fried batter, and left the zucchini for whoever took interest.

(Excuse my crappy food photography. I totally took pics of everything after I ate half of it OTL)

Anyways! Being hardly old enough to drive, I'm not picky about food service, so I was impressed with the place :P Maybe a little bit pricey for a teenage wallet, but it beats the typical sushi/fast food! To be honest, I didn't know what half the things on the menu were, but my friend An, who was sitting right next to me, was able to tell me what everything on the menu was! With that, I decided to order mousaka. It's kinda like Shepard's pie with eggplant. That's what I would compare it to! Super yummy though. It came with a side of salad and some bread.

I would recommend the mousaka, and lamb (oooooohh, the lamb ♥)
Lemon chicken? It was a little dry D:

I was pleasantly surprised when we were brought crayons and colouring sheets for the youngster. Funniest part? I was joking with An about how mousaka sounds an awful lot like Musafa. Guess who was on the colouring sheet! NYAHAHAHHAHAHA

Mom says I have too many shoes. I still want more ;___;


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just let me be

My lord, my mom is giving me shit how I dye my hair and wear make-up yet again. Whether my obsession be a result of low self esteem or for the sake of self expression, cosmetics are something that I take interest in. My mom is your typical Asian parent who has absolutely no appreciation for creativity. Any form of art besides realism or playing a band instrument is not considered art at all. Think outside of the box? Fuck that, conform with everybody else or become a failure.

Although I'm entirely aware of the fact that my parents have gone through hell for my sake, I simply cannot comply with what my mom says. In my eyes, she is incredibly self conscious. She'll embarrass herself to score a deal at the supermarket, but generally, she won't do anything out of the ordinary. To put it quite bluntly, she's a robot. It may be our financial situation that pushes her to be so boring, but it's just that which convinces me to deny what she says. I can't imagine any emotion behind her words. It's just chatter from a pre-recorded machine playing back into my ears. I'm not hurting anybody by ignoring them.

That's what I think.

This might make me a terrible child, but I think my parents are . . . bad parents. They give me the necessities in life (A roof over my head, food to eat, and clothes on my back), however, I don't know any of them personally, and if they died, it kinda be like I lost my goldfish or something. I know, I know, it sounds like I'm just being angsty and what not, but I've felt this way for the longest time.

Personally, I don't think parents should enforce things by saying/doing the same thing over and over again. It's like using a pencil. Lots of writing will eventually lead the pencil to become dull, and nothing can be produced.
Parents should also stop labelling their kids with: Lazy, just like your dad, stupid, etc.

I don't want kids. Is their some kind of surgery you can get so you can become infertile? I need that. I can't stand myself, no babies please.