Friday, March 23, 2012

Organic Lives

Hi erbody!  I finally have my Wifi up again >D  My list internet adapter
totally died on me if I haven't said already.  Anyhow, just a warning to all:
Don't fucking buy Netgear branded stuff = = it's so ma fan considering
that I had to stay on the phone for 1hr with customer service, and got nothing fixed GRRRR

Today I went to Organic Lives with a few of my friends form school
to celebrate somebody's birthday.  This quaint vegan cafe is located not far from 
Main Street Science World station at 1829 Quebec St.

One of the chefs there kindly greeted us and gave a brief yet thorough walk through of
the menu.  My friends said he looked like Kesler = =

What funky looking chopsticks!

What's that on the top?

Oh look! It's a little elephant d'awwww

 The Original Pizza

That colourful slice you see there is of watermelon radish.
Pretty, no?

Various spreads.  I discovered that I do not enjoy the taste of tapenade QAQ;;

The sauce on this one was really spicy > <

I liked how the vegan sushi looked.  Makes me think of some 
woodland fairy making sushi in the kitchen AHHAHAH 

I was walking home, and I saw this = =
It's one of those window stickers.
pedobear . . . clever

Alright, just a few photos today.  Hope everyone is well!


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