Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break Blues

Holy smack.  I really need to get some work done T____T

Website for web design due in 2 weeks along with an infomercial, which I haven't even started yet!  I have to get a storyboard and commercial done for marketing, which seems like fun HAHAHA but it'll will surely come out looking major lame.  I want to enter the film festival contest at my school, but I don't really know what I want to do ):

So far, spring break has been really sloooooow.  It rained today, so that meant I could go anywhere (and enjoy myself).  I ended up staying at home, and reading a truck load of yaoi WOOOOOO WEEKEND.  My life is just incredibly exciting QAQ;;  Apart from that, I have WAY too many shifts at work this week, and I really don't want to go = =  I got a customer complaint while working in the drive through yesterday, which lead me to feel somewhat sad . . . that quickly just became rage though SO IT'S OK!  

This is what happened (because it's "totally amazing", and you want to know - A -)
I was taking cash from a customer in the drive thru window, and I hear them mention something about a "video".  If you aren't already aware, I get REALLY on edge when I hear the words "video", "YouTube", "blog", "princess", and basically anything that can possibly correlate to my online alias ""orz  It comes to the point in which it can send me into a mild emotional break down.  Out of paranoia, I say "excuse me?" (just in case they were talking to me).  They drove off, and I never heard what was said, so I asked my coworker who was sweeping the driveway if he happened to hear.  Just as he told me, somebody drove up to the speaker and ordered something.  I couldn't hear exactly what they said, but it was something like "Large c...." (don't go there!!!!).  The customer drives up to my window to pay, and I politely say that I didn't catch his entire order, and inquire whether or not it was a large coffee that he wanted.  "So you didn't hear my order?  It was a large coke, and yenno what?  Never mind.  I don't want it anymore!  You can keep talking to your friend."

No words could come out of my mouth at this point, as I was simple stunned. I hope that bitter old fart dies of diabetes or something violent.  In my mind, I envisioned scenarios in which the fat fuck had his vandalized and other terrible things ARGH >(

Did I ever mention this kinda cool looking guy I work with?  He's not very tall, but he's really buff... although, I normally don't like looking at buff guys, so this is new territory for me  =A=  My reason for disliking muscly guys is greatly due to the fact that most guys I know that work out at school are super cocky, and all they ever talk about is working out, eating protein, how many reps they do, and what they did on the weekend (which is most likely work out).  It's almost animal-like!  There's also this k-celeb looking type dude at school.  I honestly have no idea what grade he's in, but I occasionally see him chatting with on of the girls in my grade (or rather, she's yipping at him like a chihuahua, if that makes any sense).

SPEAKING OF K-CELEBS I was watching the live action ver. of Skip Beat!  While watching it, and I thought to myself  "Gee, they sure look Korean!"  Then I realized they guys were from Suju (Donghae, and Siwon) orz ~  I'm not a huge fan of K-pop, so I'm not really good at recognizing faces and names of the idols!  Not to say I don't enjoy the music, it's just far to difficult to memorize the names of so many people T___T  Anyhow, it's a cute show, and it's nice to kill time... if you have time to kill (which I really shouldn't!).

I found this, and I thought of Asho, 'cause Melochin is in it haha!

It's probably ideal that I find some time to catch up with some old pals over break OTL  I feel like we're all drifting apaaaaaaaaaaart QQ



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