Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Sorry I keep posting videos here!  It's like a fricken video stream for everybody who is following AHHAHA!  Anyhow, I stumbled across this song yesterday, All I Want Is You by m-flo, and it's really catchy :)  I was wondering who the female singer was, and it sounded a lot like Minami from CREAM.  I remember they posted a video recently where they covered Let Go, and m-flo was in the video.  Put two and two together, and it makes sense that Minami is the one singing >D  Anyhow, I hope CREAM makes it big.

m-flo also did a collab with 2NE1 - She's So (Outta Control).  I personally like All I want is you more.  While listening to the song, all I could think about were shiso leaves OTL

Holy shit, it's so dirty T___T  I'm kinda

This isn't relevant, but I cleaned out my keyboard yesterday, and took a really long time T___T  I've had this keyboard for about 6-7 years now, and over the course of this ownership, I have spilled various surgary drinks on key clickity clackity keyboard O___Q  When the drinks dried up, some of the keys would stick down when  Ipressed them, but now that everything is all cleaned up, I don't have to worry HHEHEHE!  I'm so happy!  Regarding what I found under the keys, there was an obvious about of dust, but there were also many short hairs . .  . = =  Like eyelashes or something.  I have no idea, but the intire process what rather disgusting (you can probably tell I have a pretty dirty key board!).  The backspace, enter key and shift key had these retainer things on them, and I didn't get to clean under them out of fear that I might accidentally snap the key in half UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  OH THE HORROR.  Other than that, the board looks nice a shiny :D

Okay!  I'm gonna get trained to learn how to build a hamburger today > < Till then, I shall watch more Skip Beat!, and dick around!


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