Saturday, December 14, 2013

McDonald's Poutine - Yum or Yuck?

Recently the fast food  powerhouse, McDonald's, launched the good ol' Canadian poutine in my area (Vancouver).  It was something I was exciting to try, but did it hold up to my expectations?

Price: $3.99
Quite affordable, as it falls within my typical $5 budget for junk food.  However, compared to an order of large fries, this costs a lot more!  I think large fries are only around $2.50, and you get a lot more deep fried goodness.

Portion: Small
This is a pretty tiny portion of frits, but keep in mind, this was intended to be a side order.  Regardless, I don't feel that the portion of poutine warrants the $3.99 price tag.  I might pay $2.99, but I don't feel like I'm getting my value.

I'm sure most of us are familiar with the famous french fries served at Micky D's, but how do they taste in poutine form?  Well, not so good.  I like my poutines served with thick steak fries, fresh out of the frying vat, because they stay hot enough to melt surrounding cheese curds.  The cheese in the McD box simply doesn't get ooey gooey and stringy!  Sure, there's the option of asking the staff to nuke it, but what if you're on the go?  Everything about the McDonald's poutine is just okay.  The cheese is there, but it doesn't melt; The gravy is warm, but lacks a lot of flavour; The fries are golden, but always award winningly fresh.  Although, you have to take it with a grain of salt (no pun intended) that anything mass produced won't have the same delectible quality of something made at a ma and pa joint.  Belgian Fries will always have a soft spot in my heart.

Would I get it again?
No.  I'd rather just get large fries. :(  The value just isn't there!


Saturday, December 7, 2013



You read that correctly - MY PHONE IS FUCKING DEAD
It all happened on the worst day possible.

It's Friday morning, and I'm heading to school.
As per usual, I'm rushing to pack all my shit into my bag just before leaving the house, because ain't nobody got time for prepping in advance!  I shove my calculator and pens into my bag first, because I have a midterm exam to write. I then put my keys and cell phone into my shallow, shalloooow, shaaaaaaaaaaaallllllloooow pocket.  Before leaving home, I grab my notes to study as I walk up to the bus stop.

This following part of the story may cause you to think that I DESERVED to have my phone demolished, but ain't nobody got time for being proper in the morning!

I J-walked  
(  """   T________________T)>

yep.... this is what I get for breaking the law every morning.
Totally sucked, because it was raining too!

My favourite colour is pink, but I don't want to see it on 
Water damaged innards, yuummm

I was thinking of attempting to fix my i727,  and realized I had lost the button for the volume rocker.  I went on eBay to see if I could find a cheap replacement part

It's barely larger than the average nail clipping =   = smd
If I do end up trying to fix my phone, I'm just gonna chop up an eraser and hope for the best HAHAHAH

At least I still have the power button :'D

I'm pretty sure the USB port is smashed :x

On a brighter note, doesn't the smashed Gorilla Glass look kinda pretty....


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What does the pho say?

 I was in that strange part on the internet again.
"What Does the Pho Say?"  Is a Vietnamese parody of the popular viral video, 
 "What Does the Fox Say?"

 The song is about, you probably guessed it, PHO!
This guy is serious about his noodle soup!  I kid you not, the entire damn song is about making pho, and enjoying it.  On a good note, there are some pretty cute girls in the video, dudes.  Pho is already freaking amazing, but paired with cute girls?  DAYUM 

What Does the Pho Say?

Translation (found in comments)
Boil the water, simmer more bones
wait for tasting then add some onions,

shake a bit of pepper for more tastier
and remember to buy more Vietnamese coriander
Meat fresh tasty, a real craving
To have a bowl of tasty tasty pho
add some hoisin sauce, lemon, chilli love
What does the Pho say?
One more more more bowl (x3)
What the Pho say?
Very good good good boss (x3)
Superman say
Avatar Avatar Star (x3)
What the Pho say?
Pho Pho Pho Pho Pho Pho (x3)
Slurp the soup clean already
It’s not rice, It’s not xoi (sticky rice)
Smells nice nice
But it’s not bánh béo (water fern cake)
Similar to bánh cảnh (rice spaghetti)
But more tasty!
Everyone around the world wants to eat
Raw beef, fatty brisket, tendon
So wonderful
And there is also an egg
Ah, What for?
To make more tastier
Now you know my name
No no no no no na? (x3)
Now you know my name?
No no no no no na? (x3)
Bored of rice, craving Pho!
Get get get a glass of ice tea (x3)
What the Pho say?
The bill bill bill bill bill bill please (x3)
What did the Pho say?
Get get a bean sprout (x2)
What the pho say?
No no no no no more Pho (x3)
Get get get a glass of ice tea (x3)
What the Pho say?
Beef beef beef Beef Beef balls (x3)
What the Pho say?
Get get a bean sprout (x3)
What the pho say?
No no no no no more Pho (x3)
The bill please !!!!
What the pho say?
Store closed down already !!!!

 What Does the Fox Say? (original)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Celebration of Lights 2013 CANADA

I meant to post this during Summer, but I never got to it HAAHHA *laaaaaazy bones*
Better late than never, right?

Started the day early in the morning in good ol' downtown.

Sel had to pickup her student ID

Inside the school.  They had a super nice view.  Honestly, I could just sit there
and stare at the picturesque scene all day.

We went blueberry picking afterwards, but I told my friends to get off
at the wrong stop, so I we had to walk down to the farm.  Oops!
We walked by this house, and it looked like a cobblestone house DONT JUDGE ME

Random railroad shot. Mandatory when you walk by one - YOU HAVE TO TAKE THIS PHOTO

I'm so amazing, I managed to catch this willow seed with my bare hands.
Mad inner ninja skills keke

Finally at the farm!

I invited a total of 12 people to go on the outing, but only two people were free.
Whatevs.  Camwhore all the same.

Went to Aberdeen Centre and ate some fried squid from Wo Fung in the food court.

Sorry, I had to.

Iron Man iphone case

Flying Wedge pizza, yumz.  Kinda pricy tho, but soooo good.


We got bored, so we began playing games.

"An Face"
Why are we all posed like this?  One of our good friends, An, posed like
this in a studio portrait when the photographer said "Silly poses, now!"

Needless to say, An looked possessed.

Super LG happy jumping shot!
A strainger saw that we were struggling to jump in sync and took this for us orz

Nice photo.  LOL.  I'm pretty sure I put these girls through a lot of agony, 
because I got them to wake up super early to hang out with me :)

Money burning in the sky... then my battery dies. bleh


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

BoA - Action // Namie Amuro - Ballerina

Recently, I have had a couple songs playing on repeat.

BoA - Action

This was released quite some time ago, revealed to the public on July 7, 2013.  I'm majorly bummed that she didn't promote this track, because it would have been amazing to see choreography to the high energy song.  The dance pop beats beg to be danced to!

I was excited that find that dancer, May J, created this energetic choreo!  Due to the lack of promotion, a very limited audience has heard this song Q________Q  Thank goodness at lease one choreographer graced Action.

Doesn't this song just make you want to get up and run?  Just me?  Regardless, bomb song!

On another note, the part that goes "Let's talk about fashion, let it out my passion, who cares about your action", reminds me a lot of the old school video, Shoes.

Namie Amuro - Ballerina

Looking for some eye candy?  Here's a buffet for your retinas.  Amuro's new music video for the single Ballerina was filmed in collaboration with Vogue Japan and GUCCI.  EDM beats paired with gorgeous editorial shots, AND fabulous shoes and handbags.  Need I say more?


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Prom - or there lack of

Prom: The single night that high school students are given the opportunity to dress in luxurious textiles whilst eating expensive food in a beautiful venue [insert magical chimes here]

NOT!  Let me break down what prom is for those of you who only know of it's romanticized definition.  Prom is an excuse for people with social lives to get together, get sweaty on the dance floor, and drink their guts out.  For some of you, this may sound appealing.  For anybody like myself, that sounds like a shit night.

YOU: You're just saying that, because you're cheap and have no social life

Correct :)  But I proudly have no social life.

YOU: What did you do instead of prom?

I stayed at home at studied for the physics exam coming up . . .  HAHAHA as if.  I can't study to save my life. 

Initially, my plan was to go out with a group of my friends who weren't going to prom, but they were so lame, that they wouldn't even go shopping with me, so I went out with WEEEENIE 

We started our day by trekking downtown and browsed around various small boutiques, all of which had amazingly fashionable and equally pricey clothing  ;A; [so sad, man]

Just look at those tights.  LOOK AT THEM!  THEY ARE SO AMAZING e n e
Me gusta.  Me mucho gusta OTL

After shopping around Gastown, we went to eat some junk food at Red Burrito

[super embarrassing story]
As you can see, my friend and I were seated by the window.  I started dancing
to the song playing on the radio, and this attractive guy WITNESSED ME JAMMIN' OUT

 So I tried to recover with the head nod.

We continue exploring downtown, and walk into this "mall" that smelled
like the used furniture/antique shop my grandpa used to bring me to.

 For whatever reason, we decided to walk all the way back home, which was 
a whopping 8.5km journey

I was so damn tired afterwards ;_____________;

Dr. Suess quote.  How cute.

En route home, we walked by this insanely run down home.

[creepy girl painted on the door]

Makes me think that whoever what wearing the boots just disappeared!

Winnie and decided to kill time down at the Chinatown Nightnarket (which by the way, still sucks)
I bought a bubble tea from one of the stalls, and it tasted like doggy doo doo :( 

 At last, I met up with my buddies after their prom ended, and convinced them to go out 
with me at 12am.  It was only while brainstorming of potential activities that 
I remembered none of us were of legal drinking age, and that 
we're all prudes.
Quick!  Where can I go that:
  • is open to minors
  • does not sell alcohol
  • is open late night
  • is cheap


and thus begins the

[Prom Night Fiasco]

 I convinced all of my friends to go to McDonald's so we could chat about what happened at prom.  

My friend confessed that the chicken was awful

After buying the food, we realise that every table in the restaurant is covered in trash, and everybody is too busy serving the guests to come out and clear out tables.  Time was ticking, and I WANTED MY DAMN CHICKEN NUGGETS, so I cleared out the long table in the middle.  That, being the only clean are in the restaurant, invited every drunk guest to sit next to us.  

This one German guy comes up and greets us with, "Hey, what's up?".

And I just had to reply with"

Shit hits the fan when he asks to take a picture with me, and decides to pose with his arm around my NECK IN WHAT LOOKS LIKE A CHOKE HOLD.

The German Guy's friends come up and start hitting on my friend who was sitting next to me, and starts checking her wrists.

Foreign Dude: So, where's your stamp?
Friend: Huh?
Foreign Dude: For the club!
Friend: I'm 17
Foreign Dude: ... Oh.

Needless to say, we left when the chance presented itself.
It was an awkward night to remember.

My other guy friend said that he didn't realise that I felt uncomfortable with the situation.
One of my guy friends said that had anything happened in McD's, he would have booked it.
He later tried to recover by saying he would have protected us with his bubbles...
blowing soap solution bubbles OTL  I can't even...

bye. pk

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I'm going to be throwing out a bunch of posts right now, because I haven't had time to update.

For those of you who assumed I am an elementary school student, a university student, or a working teen mom, I'm actually just a regular old (graduated) high school student.

Let me just say that the commencement ceremony was absolute
Ok, so everyone will be graduating.  Why does it have to be such a tedious process - -
I hate how twelfth grade if so massively sensationalized. 

Of course, I musts take the mandatory family photo.
My sister didn't come, because my mom was afraid that she might start
crying half way through the graduation ceremony.

How do pretty girls curl their hair all the time?  I was cussing the whole monring while getting
ready, because I thought it was way to damn early to look pretty.  For heaven sakes,
some girls have the energy to look like freakin' Victora's Secret Models early in the morning.


On another note, I thought it was cool how my friend had a necklace with $20 bills
stringed onto it.  I never asked, but I guess it's some type of family tradition when
walking across the stage.

Ladies in da house!  Sista is so cute!  Terrible two, they say.
She has her moments.


A few days before graduation on the last day of school, on of my physics classmates
decided to throw a small party for our teacher (because he is so awesome).  It was a
sweet idea, but I the party seemed to be more for the students than the teacher.
They say that it's the thought that counts though, right?

I guy who "organized" the party bought a couple ice cream cakes and pop.
I few people took turns cutting the frozen dessert, most of whom looked WAAAAY too serious.
How can you not feel some sense of fear when there is another person in the room gripping a knife
who looks a teeny weeny bit angry.

Needless to say, I offered to cut the cake instead, but she declined (darn it).
Luckily, she was needed somewhere else, so I nabbed up the job of cutting the cake with my 
buddy, An.

(Safety hazard!)

We ran out of plates, so we had to use cups... so "organized" LOL
Props on the guy for taking action though, I approve.

- PK

(PS- I'll be pushing out a bunch of posts I intended to post in the past, but never got to)