Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year - to 2013

Happy New Year, my tingle touchers!  Before I proceed, I ask that you get your mind out of the gutter!

I hope that everybody is having a wonderful winter break, and privileged enough to share time together with friends and family :)  I don't think I've ever been so busy/booked during winter break over the course of my entire life!  Generally speaking, my life has been rather uneventful (so sad!).  During Christmas, no tree was set up in the living room, no decorations bedazzled the house, no gifts were shared.  On new years eve, I would sit by myself and stare at the clock on the bottom right corner of my screen until the digital clock zapped 12:00AM

I know, I'm just too damn exciting.

This year was much more exciting - I had a lot more planned this time around.  Perhaps not planned per se, most of it was spontaneous, but fun none the less!

First week of winter break was terribly boring.  My "wonderful" manager had scheduled me 5 shifts that week, and that's a lot given that I only work part time.  Perhaps it was the lack of pleasure during that first week which pushed me to become yes-woman.

They: Wanna hang out?
Me: Sure thing!

Rinse and repeat 5 times, and that is my holiday.

Yes #1 - Secret Santa
Took some times to chill out with my girls at Shabusen Yakiniku downtown, and exchange gifts.
Reluctantly, I agreed to all you can eat = = I don't know why I always follow suit with these ladies.  Anyhow, I remembered that they ordered far too little food the last time we went AYCE, so I marked off 10 of everything for the benefit of the people. NOW GIVE ME A COOKIE!  Face it, without me there, you guys wouldn't be eating 60% of the time.

As for secret Santa, didn't end up keeping the ID of the gift giver secret though, which made it more interesting.  Instead, we went around and described our first impression of our gift receiver, and a couple of girls got catty > <  "I thought you were snobbish when I first met you, but . . ."
Oh, snap snap snap!

My doodled on wrapping paper
I received a tumbler as my gift, but I literally lost it hours later :(  After eating, five of my friends and myself headed down to the local ice rink (which for the record - PUNY).  After an hour or so, three of my friend headed home, leaving An and I to enjoy the ice.  When we finally stopped, I accidentally left the gift bag on the ground, and didn't realize until it was too late. ; A ;I went back to look for it, but some butt nugget had already taken the shiny new cup.

It was cold, so we went to grab hot chocolate at a nearby restaurant with golden arches, and sat ourselves down upstairs.  This idiot drops an burger box over the edge of the balcony, and security takes him away by force AHHAHHAHAA Oh, god, I'm cracking up so hard.

Browski, that's sad

10pm, and nothing is open. We begin to head home, and somebody hands us "VIP tickets" to a bar.
No, we don't go.
Instead, we chuckle at it because we're still minors and have no idea what to do with them.
"Guess I'll scrap book it"
I don't want to grow up, ever.

 Yes #2 - Suika
An alumni from my high school asks if I want to hang out, which based on the theme of this story, you can safely assume I agreed to.  We ate at Suika and then went to Sunflower around Joyce Station.  Never knew I could find out so much about a person over the course of a small meal!

Yes #3 - New Years
Before you carry on reading this portion of my blog, I'd like to remind you that I have no experience with the male species.  Please be considerate that I am YOUNG AND AWKWARD.
This stranger hit on my at the mall one day, and asked for my number.  I'm a paranoid kid, so I assume that this is a hidden camera prank.  Anyhow, I'm a terrible liar when I'm by myself, and I give him my real number, which he texts later that night.
Share new years eve with a newly acquainted stranger.

Yes #4 - Ketchup
Caught up with 12 year friend from elementary school.  I think we trust each other a lot more now, because I was able to give her an honest opinion with her flipping a table :) Success.  We sat down at a bench after the mall closed, and proceeded to spill our thoughts.  I have my fingers crossed, and hope that she doesn't share what I told her about Eddie and Ana.

The conversation was beautiful, but I think there was a man photographing us from a nearby bench = = I damn well know I heard a shutter on his phone.  It's not the end of the world, I'm not freaking out, but his photography approach was just so shady.  I remember seeing him leaving, and then coming back to sit down.  He sat there for at least one hour listening/taking pics.  When we decided it was time to go, he stood up too.  Flattering, but unexpected.

Yes #5 - Stepho's

I've been craving Greek food for quite some time now.  Originally, my girl friends and I were supposed to eat Greek food for secret Santa, but that obviously never happened.  Instead, I went to grab a bite with another alumni from my school.  MOUSSAKA :) yumyumyum

Breaks practically over.
make it last


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