Thursday, January 17, 2013


Maybe I'm just being over sensitive, because I'm sick, BUT EVERYBODY SEEMS LIKE FUCKING INSENSITIVE PRICK = =

Today, I felt alert enough to attend school.

I still have strep throat, so speaking is near impossible.  I wanted to bitch the life out of so many people today, but the only form of communication I had was through my cellphone [text to speech]. So dreadfully agonizing!  One of my friends had the audacity to say "I have to run Public Speaking Club on my own?"


I will cut you

Up until last week, I have done almost EVERYTHING for this club, because I knew none of the other leaders would commit anything. Mother-

I just called up my tutor and told him that I wouldn't be able to drop in today - I can't ask questions without a voice, and I wouldn't want to spread the flu.  You know what he says?

Him: can you come in next week?
me: Hopefully
him: Are you that sick?
me (in my head): Are you fucking me?

I'm not paying that fucker anymore.  Gonna finish this session, and I'm OUT. At least when I call in sick at work, the managers will tell me to get well soon.  This bastard just says "Bye," and hangs up the phone.

Of course, I could just be acting petty, but I JUST HATE EVERYBODY WHEN I'M SICK :(


p.s. Please frequently wash your hands during flu season!


Vivars said...

Maybe they are insensitive pricks lol, you do tend to realize more things when you're sick... in my opinion. I hope you quickly feel better, I don't even know HOW strep throat feels like. ;A;

Princess Kahara said...

Thanks, lady :) You're lucky to not know!

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