Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hormonal disorder, and broken records

Those moments when your throat dries up, you bite your lower lip as your nose burns bright red, and your vision is fogged with tears.

I felt like crying all day today. On top of the lack of sleep, and raging teenage hormones, there are certain other matters that make things worse. I went to the mall with my friend, and she said that I always look like as if the waterworks would start any minute. As any person would do, I sucked it up and slapped on a smile. "Haha. Do I?"
If rivers began to form on my cheeks, my buddy probably would avoid asking me questions like "What's wrong?" Why risk making things awkward though? It was best to keep all bodily fluids in.

The reason I've been feeling so crummy recently is . . . because I'm awkward. Although, you probably already know that. Easily voted to be one of the most awkward people in the existence of humankind! Okay, perhaps that was an exaggeration. I'm going through one of those mood swing things again where I cry uncontrollably. I don't have a tissue, dang it! High school leaves this teenage soul feeling rather dejected and unwanted. It's not that there aren't any friends in my life, but I don't get the idea that they would be my SUPER PALS! Yenno what I mean? People who I can talk to about whatever, etc. I miss k-gr5 so much.

These are the types of moment where you would seek for your friends to vent on, but I don't really have that at the moment. Kinda long distance right now. All I really want is a hug, BUT I DON'T FREAKING LIVE IN ASIA AND BITCHES BE HOMOPHOBIC.

Knowledge given to others about yourself is like handing over a gun to the enemy, but I don't even care right now. I feel so bummed out. This girl is a broken record. She has nothing interesting to say

If vocal ensemble is still open for auditions, I might go. Bad timing, my throat is killing me.



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