Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo

Is it possible to be JUST friends with someone you wanna be with?
Yes. I want to be with my family and friends.

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
As selfish as it sounds, I hope so.

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?

Where is your biological father right now?
Somewhere on the island.

When's the last time you screamed really loud?
last time I watched my friend play GTA really poorly

Are you a bad influence?
Sometimes. Aren't we all?

Can you honestly say you're happy right now?
I'm blissfully confused

If you could erase someone from your life who would it be?
Mister stingy

Do you currently have a hickey?

What color are your eyes?
Dark brown

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
forever alone

What was the last thing you watched on television?

Will tomorrow be better than today?

Would you rather fly, drive or travel by train?
I would fly into train driver.

Did you cry today?

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Grandpa got it from China

Could you date someone taller than you?
Yes. It's kinda the norm?

Did you hug someone today?
Nobody to hug.... nobody lets me hug them.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
You mean no homework and nap time? yeah.

Is your life anything like it was a year ago?
Simply in terms of summer, yes. It was a roller coaster.

Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
Yes; I'll never get one. Not my thing

If you could change your eye color would you?
Light brown.

What happened at 10:00am today?
Sleep. Maybe get waken up by phone company "Would you like a trial service pack." "No" "It's free for th-" "No"
So annoying! DO NOT WANT, OKAY?!

Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?
;____; nope

Where is your cell phone?
on my bed

Do you think people talk about you?
Yeah. Not necessarily in a negative sense, but also not necessarily in a positive sense.

Is the last person you texted male or female?

Have you argued with anyone today?
Like, hardcore? No. Just petty disagreements.

Do you like your life?
Going through a slightly poopy day today.

Are you shy?

Do you have any summer plans yet?
Watch movie with friends.

List one of your biggest fears:

Whose hoodie did you wear last?
My own OAO

Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Very often

What are you listening to right now?

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
I think so.

Did you know that pickles have no calories?
That cake is a lie. Pickles contain 60 calories. Cuccumbers on the other hand only have 8.

Do you like the smell of Febreeze?

Do you own a digital camera?
Yes. I want a new camcorder now.

Did you climb trees when you were younger?

Were you in a good mood today?
I was tired. I felt bad because my friend said I looked really bored. Then I felt guilty for not looking happier T______T Sorry, love.

Is it alright to curse in front of your parents?
Yeah. Mom just gets all "be more lady like"

What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
Matcha boba

Whose bed were you on last, besides your own?
Oh, damn. So hard to remember. Probably Ashley's parents? Cause her computer is in that room.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
No doubt.

Sleep with the fan on?
Rarely. The fan heats up in the back overtime, so I try not to.

Would you kiss the person you last kissed again?
My mother? A kiss from YEARS ago. Probably not. I'm kinda old for that.

Think a lot before you fall asleep?
Yeah. keeps me from sleeping.

Do you want to see someone right now?

Are you highly attracted to someone right now?

Is it easier to pretend everything's okay for you?
nope. I need to rage.

If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
a hot mess

Was last night terrible?
No. The night before.

Have you ever snuck someone over to your house?
Everybody is welcome here.(almost)

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?

Do you hate it when people try to play with your hair?
Only if they have dirty hands.

Someone knocks on your window at 3am, what do you say?
"Oh #&@% !!! IT'S JUST A DREAM"

Do you find it in your heart to forgive?
No. I hold grudges. T____T

Do you ever get paranoid when someone is reading your text messages?
Nope. Nothing personal. Texts about the next bus arrival, telling me to wake up, work, etc.

Did you speak to your father today?

How do you feel about girls who smoke cigarettes?

If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
"Hey pretty thang!" JKS JKS. Let me know so I can put them out of their day dream?

Has anyone told you they never wanna lose you?

Would you be able to name everyone you kissed this year?
Didn't kiss anyone QAQ

How many drugs are in your system?
1 - YOUR LOVE IS MY DRUG. Yenno what? I don't get any of that, so, none.

The person who hurt you the most calls and needs you, do you go?
Ye- no

What's on your schedule for tomorrow?

Do you always answer your texts?
nope. Only ones that need replies

Do you fall for people easily?
define easily.

When is the next time you will kiss someone of the opposite sex?
Durrr..... forever alone, so . . . .

What's your current mood?

Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to?
MOM~ yes.

Do you think you are a good person?

Babe or baby?
Baby. Babe is eh.

When's the last time you stayed up late because you were talking to someone?

Have you done something recently that you regret?
yeah. Looking bored TODAY!

Have you ever kissed someone who was over 21?

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?

Is it ever too late to apologize?
LOLOL Nope! It can be too late to apologize to expect acceptance though.

Do you have a secret that you've never told ANYONE?
Yeah.... wait. Never mind. I told somebody, and tried to cover it up as a LIE!



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